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HideArea Console Command?

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Is there a way to hide all the explored/revealed areas? I'm doing some testing with lag as a host and I wanted to see if unrevealing the minimap helped.


I read this post here http://steamcommunity.com/app/322330/discussions/0/616199347859815748/


and that gave me the idea.


Basically the reverse command of


If my hypothesis is correct, a command like that should allow the host to explore for a while and when a base is established he can "unreveal" or "HideArea" the map with reduced lag for all players involved.


If no such commands exists can this be moved to the suggestions forums?


Thanks in advance!

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This is the closest command you are going to get for clearing your map. Even though it basically covers all the discovered areas once again, the loaded part of the minimap that represents your location on it will not be deleted either because it's on screen (therefore it's still processing so it won't cancel) or because it immediately reupdates the map to consider your position. So you aren't going to get a 100% blank space; but that's not a bad thing.
As a shortcut: MapHideAll()


And if you want to delete everyone's minimap session:

for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do MapHideAll() end


Taking a look at the conversation, this'll not improve the ping.

Loaded areas already sended data bits.

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@RogueYun, However, hiding revealed areas on the minimap shouldn't have any effect on lag. The reason it tends to lag more when players spread out is because it causes there to be more "awake" entities. Each player basically has a radius around them that causes entities to be "awake" within it-- this means that the game updates them frequently, e.g. if it's a spider, checking what it wants to do each "tick" of the game. Entities that are "asleep" get one big update when they become awake later (with some exceptions with scheduled tasks).


So because each player has this radius, if they're close together most of the area is overlapping, but if they're spread out, more area is being covered (with most likely more entities). You can get this in the extreme if, say, everyone is in a separate killer bee field being chased by mobs of killer bees (their brains are expensive and lag more than most things).


The minimap, regardless of what's explored, only updates things near you anyway, the rest is just a static image, so I'd be surprised if clearing it had any impact whatsoever (but I can't really rule it out because it's handled by the compiled code). The best way to deal with lag is to make sure there are as few awake entities as possible. Common offenders are packed killer bee fields, dense spider dens (being near them at dusk/night when they're roaming around), and huge herds of beefalo.

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