Stream and Youtube Teaching DS and DST RoG.


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Hello everyone!


My name is Dekoth and I wanted to reach out to the many newer players or even some older players shaking dust off of DS:RoG and DST. I have been playing DS since it appeared on PS4 and made the transition to PC some time back. When Don't Starve together became available I quickly found that many people on the servers had never played DS and were well..Starving :). So I began streaming my content and got so much positive feedback that I decided to continue streaming as well as post videos on YouTube. As a note I can and have played all characters and you will see me frequently on stream doing this. However when I am specifically teaching, I do tend to stick to the more "newbie" friendly characters as teaching tools so players can see exactly how to operate them.


So far I have a couple ongoing series now on my Youtube channel, with one focusing strictly on DST public server play and the other focused on teaching players how to really survive any season using DS:RoG. I live stream daily and those streams get uploaded directly to Youtube. I have a great time teaching people and answering questions during my live stream and you will hear that while watching any of the videos. Additionally I stream quite a few other different types of games including Destiny, League of Legends, Borderlands 2 and other Indi games. As always, whenever I am playing games like DST on a public server all viewers are encouraged to jump on the server with me! So Let's Play!



Check out my Youtube channel Here.

You can also catch me Live Here.

I hope to see you there!

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I don't know why but this sounds a lot like self-advertising.

*cough cough* totally self advertising *cough cough*


Well I mean, technically it is. But then my goal is to help people learn the game. Sorta hard for them to find my content if I don't advertise it somewhere.

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Small or large update depending on how you look at it. I just finished up my series on how to easily fight all 4 of the DS Giants. You can find the playlist for that here! 


Enjoy and happy Don't Starving!

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