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Question about world generation and game updates

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So I would like to know, do I have to generate new world every time there is update with new features? I wanted to start a new game and make large base etc. but if I am going to have to generate new world soon it's quite pointless. Is there going to be update soon that will force players to generate new world in order to be able to get new stuff?


If remember correctly, in don't starve, before adding caves, they added some kind of rocks that were supposed to be future entrance to the caves. Maybe they did it to allow players to get caves on older worlds or something? I may be totally wrong but that's how I remember it.


It's obviously beta so it's not whine topic. I am just asking. Though it still would be nice to be able to play for some time without need for new world to get new content. I remember there was the same problem with minecraft and need for new world after every new resource or other content was added.


Last question, when new you-should-generate-new-world update is going to be released?

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@FTR, Well, they have done some of that in the past (I know they had invisible moleworm burrows early in the DST RoG beta-beta that generated with the world, and when the update that added moleworms was pushed, it made them visible and functional). Not sure if they've done that with caves or not, though. However, it will probably be a month or so at least before another update that requires you to generate a new world hits.


Updates that require you to generate a new world have been few and far between. The only ones I can think of were the RoG update and the meteor update. For meteors (and if cave entrances work the same way as before), it's pretty easy to spawn some in with the console even on older worlds.

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    --V2C: WARNING:    --This is not supported for DST, so there is no network    --component added yet! It just spawns it locally on the    --server and then removes it on the next frame.    inst.entity:Hide()    inst:DoTaskInTime(0, inst.Remove)

So when caves_entrances and adventure_portals get in, you will need to make a new world.


That is, if they get in as they exist in single player.

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