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Animation Renaming Software


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Please install and read the following instructions carefully, this software comes as-is with no warranty use at your own risk.
Extract the anim_renamer.exe and configurations.xml file into the Don't Starve Mod Tools/mod_tools folder. This folder is located in your Steam library folder.
Inside the configurations.xml file; create a new <element old_name="[iNSERT NAME HERE]" new_name="[iNSERT NAME HERE]"/> for each symbol you want to rename. It currently comes with several symbols already there, it is recommended to only append yours after the last one in there.
Right click the anim_renamer.exe file and Create a Shortcut on your desktop.
Navigate to your desktop, right click on the newly created shortcut and goto properties.
In the "Target" line you will need to append the full path to your mod/exported folder. Example Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Don't Starve Mod Tools\mod_tools\anim_renamer.exe" "dont_starve/mods/mod_folder/exported"
Note: Enclose it in quotations " as seen in the example.
Apply the settings and close the properties.
Note: It's recommended to turn off the autocompiler from launching at game start up. To do this edit your settings.ini file set "autocompiler_enabled" to false.
Use the shortcut on your desktop anytime you want to compile your new animations.
Folder names are considered symbol names; match the old_name with the folder name and the new_name with what you want the symbol to be named.
Let the anim_renamer.exe fully close, it will run the autocompiler and then run itself, rename the animations and run specific code which will recompile the animations. Depending on how many animation files you compile at a single time it could take minutes to hours.
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/files/file/1134-animation-renaming-software/
If you have bugs in this software, please take a screen shot of it and post in this thread.



Edit 2:

Virus Total Results: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/0b1205418c0ad5af0edb07ebdc1c2a05af9eb6b474303fc81a097fa951e28e7a/analysis/1426622712/

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