Suggestions for endless mode/long run mode

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Note : my english is not perfect, so be indulgent !


First, I want to say that Invisible is THE project for which I have been the most enthousiast for a long time. Thanks for that Klei ! I think the gameplay is really well polished and balanced, and that the atmosphere that it creates fits really well with the theme.


However, the story mode seems a bit too short and easy to keep experienced players motivated. I personally don't think that beating my highscore is rewarding enough. I imo the replayability will be dependant on longrun experiences. 


In a future expansion (?),  it would really be interesting to have a longer campain of a duration of about 10-20 days, with a final mission designed for 4 fully upgraded agents, and that would be significantly tougher and different than the normal levels. For exemple, there could be intermediary special missions designed to end the threat represented be each corp, and a final mission that would make Invisible the new world dominating corp !


Only in my mind for ttime time being, i know :) Keeping in mind that the Endless mode will the only longrun option for some time, simple/not so simple features could in my mind be added to improve aspects that don't fit really with a long play time :  


- A use for the stash of useless credits. The money rapidly loses its relevance. May be that some worldmap events could be added to reflect that the corps are more aware of Invisible inc activities and are getting better to pinpoint the chopper. Some money could be use to erase traces/clues left in and between the missions, or to unlock special missions (to pay for special info?)


- The level difficulty should be raised to 5-7 shields, or just escalates infinitely till a defeat is almost inevitable or at least to force the players to renounce to some level objectives. The concept of a Doomtracker equivalent could also do the job.


- At some point, there could be random events (text events like those in the consoles/safes ?) that bring up a difficulty higher than showed on the worldmap. This could be interpreted like ambushes from the corp in order to end Invisible, and would put considerable stress on players in ironman. 


- At higher difficulties, bigger maps ! This would bring up difficulty, force the players to let some items behind or to make spend extratime in-level to sell items in nanofabs. 


- Some new mission types (may be in an expansion) that would change the gameplay. I think here about escort runs (bring a hacker to a terminal ?), defuse the bombs runs (or the team all die), and may be agent-linked runs. (In Ghost in the Shell, there was a special episode about each team member that told a lot aboutpersonalities/motiviations. Something like that could add a lot of texture to the game). Destroying corp databases.


- I'm not sure that's the case, but at alarm level 6 on higher levels, one agent should appear every turn, and not a drone (drones can be hacked to kill other drones, so no real challenge).


I know that the official release date is near and that most of thoses suggestions cannot be implemented, but who knows, i foresee a long life for this franchise !


Keep on the good work guys !



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