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I need help on my mod: Dust 1.3

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My mod that's in the don't starve custom character and skins is experiencing a problem with his weapon not being available to multiple dusts in one server. I'm pretty much worn down from doing this mod mainly by myself (and help with a few people for provided me templates) and need help on how to make ahrah aka wand to work. The wand I downloaded here was the most difficult template to work with and didn't allow me to rename it as it gave me a ton of headaches. Some one please take the time to help me make the wand available to multiple users who use dust on the same server.


Here's a quicklink to the mod:



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My mod that's in the don't starve custom character and skins is experiencing a problem with his weapon not being available to multiple dusts in one server. I'm pretty much worn down from doing this mod mainly by myself (and help with a few people for provided me templates) and need help on how to make ahrah aka wand to work. The wand I downloaded here was the most difficult template to work with and didn't allow me to rename it as it gave me a ton of headaches. Some one please take the time to help me make the wand available to multiple users who use dust on the same server.


Here's a quicklink to the mod:



My word no one has responded? That's a bit discouraging.

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@K1NGT1GER609, you need to add this to the function fn(colour):




It's not that your wand isn't being spawned properly, it's that it's not being sent over the network to the clients. This should also fix the issues with it dropping to the ground and disappearing.



Ironically your satget had that particular line of code, but the wand.lua did not.

Edited by Kzisor
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@K1NGT1GER609, you need to add this to the function fn(colour):




It's not that your wand isn't being spawned properly, it's that it's not being sent over the network to the clients. This should also fix the issues with it dropping to the ground and disappearing.


Alright thanks ill see if it works.

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@K1NGT1GER609, you need to add this to the function fn(colour):




It's not that your wand isn't being spawned properly, it's that it's not being sent over the network to the clients. This should also fix the issues with it dropping to the ground and disappearing.



Ironically your satget had that particular line of code, but the wand.lua did not.


Other player got a inventoryitem error after I added "inst.entity:Addnetwork()"


Edited by K1NGT1GER609
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@K1NGT1GER609, Make sure Network has a capital N. Lower case N will cause errors. 




Also add the following above any components you are adding.


if not TheWorld.ismastersim then   return instend 


For completeness your fn(colour) should look as followed:

local function fn(colour)    local function OnEquip(inst, owner)         --owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_wands", "purplestaff")        owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_wand", "wand")        owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_carry")         owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_normal")     end    local function OnUnequip(inst, owner)         owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_carry")         owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_normal")     end		local function ondrop(inst)	inst.isDropped = true	inst.isWeared = false	saniup(inst)end    local inst = CreateEntity()    local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform()    local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState()    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)    inst.entity:AddNetwork()        anim:SetBank("wand")    anim:SetBuild("wand")    anim:PlayAnimation("idle")	inst:AddTag("sharp")if not TheWorld.ismastersim then   return instend		inst:AddComponent("weapon")    inst.components.weapon:SetDamage(TUNING.BATBAT_DAMAGE)	    inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")    inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "wand"    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/wand.xml"        inst:AddComponent("equippable")    inst.components.equippable:SetOnEquip( OnEquip )    inst.components.equippable:SetOnUnequip( OnUnequip )    return instend 

Edited by Kzisor
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@K1NGT1GER609, Make sure Network has a capital N. Lower case N will cause errors. 




Also add the following above any components you are adding.


if not TheWorld.ismastersim then   return instend 


For completeness your fn(colour) should look as followed:

local function fn(colour)    local function OnEquip(inst, owner)         --owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_wands", "purplestaff")        owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_wand", "wand")        owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_carry")         owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_normal")     end    local function OnUnequip(inst, owner)         owner.AnimState:Hide("ARM_carry")         owner.AnimState:Show("ARM_normal")     end		local function ondrop(inst)	inst.isDropped = true	inst.isWeared = false	saniup(inst)end    local inst = CreateEntity()    local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform()    local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState()    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)    inst.entity:AddNetwork()        anim:SetBank("wand")    anim:SetBuild("wand")    anim:PlayAnimation("idle")	inst:AddTag("sharp")if not TheWorld.ismastersim then   return instend		inst:AddComponent("weapon")    inst.components.weapon:SetDamage(TUNING.BATBAT_DAMAGE)	    inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")    inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "wand"    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/wand.xml"        inst:AddComponent("equippable")    inst.components.equippable:SetOnEquip( OnEquip )    inst.components.equippable:SetOnUnequip( OnUnequip )    return instend 


Alright that fixed it, thanks (also thanks to another person for checking it).

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