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Need a little help

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You are missing something:

    inst:AddComponent("hauntable")    inst.components.hauntable:SetHauntValue(TUNING.HAUNT_INSTANT_REZ)    inst.components.hauntable:SetOnHauntFn(onhaunt)

And you may want to replace 0.8 with 0.2 or it will break often.

inst.components.hauntable:SetOnHauntFn(onhaunt) made the resurrect part not work. :\

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local function onhaunt(inst)
    inst.components.resurrector.active = true
    if math.random() <= 0.8 then
    return true


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After trying, I don't think what you want to get with shadows is doable, since the only way you can hit them is when they are pissed at something, like you or other players. If they ignore me and they don't have targets, then I can't target them.


I tried removing the grue component but strangely it didn't work, so you can also try:

AddComponentPostInit("grue", function(Grue)	local old = Grue.SetSleeping	function Grue:SetSleeping(asleep)		old(self, asleep)		if self.inst.prefab == "MyCharacter" then			self.sleeping = true		end	endend)

in modmain.lua and


in your character prefab.


EDIT: Toying around, I got something that you may like.

Add this to modmain.lua:

AddPrefabPostInit("crawlinghorror", function(inst)	inst.hitbyfriend = false	inst.warnings = 0end)AddPrefabPostInit("terrorbeak", function(inst)	inst.hitbyfriend = false	inst.warnings = 0end)AddStategraphPostInit("shadowcreature", function(sg)	sg.events.attacked.fn = function(inst) 		if not inst.components.health:IsDead() and not inst.sg:HasStateTag("attack") then 			if inst.components.combat.target:HasTag("shadowfriend") then				inst.hitbyfriend = true			end			inst.sg:GoToState("hit")		end	end	sg.events.doattack.fn = function(inst, data) 		if not inst.components.health:IsDead() and not inst.sg:HasStateTag("busy") then			local check = inst.components.combat.target:HasTag("shadowfriend")			if (inst.hitbyfriend and check) or not check then				inst.sg:GoToState("attack", data.target)				else				if inst.warnings < 3 then					inst.warnings = inst.warnings + 1					inst.sg:GoToState("taunt")				else					inst.warnings = 0					inst.sg:GoToState("hit")				end			end		end	endend)

And this to your character prefab:


Shadows will go to yell at you and get aggressive when you hit them.

Edited by DarkXero
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AddComponentPostInit("grue", function(Grue)    local old = Grue.SetSleeping    function Grue:SetSleeping(asleep)        old(self, asleep)        if self.inst.prefab == "wilson" then            self.sleeping = true        end    endend)AddPlayerPostInit(function(player)	if player.prefab == "wilson" then		player.components.grue:SetSleeping(false)	endend)

Put this in modmain.lua and rename "wilson" into whatever your character prefab is.

You have a custom character, right?

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AddComponentPostInit("grue", function(Grue)    local old = Grue.SetSleeping    function Grue:SetSleeping(asleep)        old(self, asleep)        if self.inst.prefab == "wilson" then            self.sleeping = true        end    endend)AddPlayerPostInit(function(player)	if player.prefab == "wilson" then		player.components.grue:SetSleeping(false)	endend)

Put this in modmain.lua and rename "wilson" into whatever your character prefab is.

You have a custom character, right?



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