Should anyone be able to use reaction fire twice?

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I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature.  It appeared to me that agents only had one attack to be used either during their turn or after their turn in reaction mode.  And if you used your attack during your turn, you couldn't put yourself into reaction fire mode.


I've seen myself react twice once but it is hard to replicate since you can't force multiple guards to rush into your line of sight at will.  However, I've had my two man team taken out by a single drone because I thought that once the thing had fired once, it wouldn't be able to fire again.


Edit: aside from Nika who has the special power of being able to attack twice in one turn

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You can't attack and react (unless Nika or stim 3) in the same turn, because your AP and attacks only get reseted when it's your next turn again. So you can't attack twice in a turn in the form of a normal knockout and then a reaction knockout. I believe it's there as an anti-rambo measure for specific situations.

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