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Character mod - Spartan-115, The AWOL Supersoldier (WIP)


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This Spartan was discharged due to mental issues, So he went AWOL and ended up in the don't starve universe.


This is inspired by Master Cheif from the Halo series

This is my very first mod so there will be many MANY issues with it, use at your own risk. I only promise to try and fix/balance this character as best I can

##tl;dr stats and such##

Health: 300
Hunger: 125
Sanity: 100
Damage: deals 3X damage
Hunger  goes down faster
Sanity goes down faster at night
Sanity goes up near monsters

##Spartan 115's Strengths and Weaknesses##

AKA the LONG description

If you know your Halo lore you know that Spartans were typically Borderline crazy...well, 115 is pretty much there with only 100 sanity not only that but it goes down faster at night then normal there is a silver lining though, on top of the normal means of sanity regaining being in combat puts him in a calmer state

Spartans also had the double edged sword of a faster metabolism, on one side he is more fit so he has more strength then the average characters, alot more, 3X more damage then normal, the downside with the metabolism? Spartans gotta eat cause he gonna get hungry faster

And while he may not have a working shield his Mjolrir armor gives him inate tankiness in the form of 300 health

overall Spartan-115 is more for combat lovers and thos who want a little bit of a challenge on keeping sane and keeping full

Known issues:
- There might be a few sprites missing, in particular a torso sprite wasn't labeled so I kind of left it blank...if any of the sprite pieces vanish let me know what you were doing so I can look into it

- (DST) Custom sounds (or at least a few of them) Might be Global for whatever reason

- (DST)  Light might only show for 115, if it does then working as intended if it doesn't then...working as intended

- (DST) When revived 115 loses his light, As of right now I cannot fix this (Alot of other custom characters that emit light suffer from this bug) but a quick fix is to just disconnect and reconnect, Once I find a custom character that doesn't have that emit light bug I'll implement it into 115 but until then, sorry you're gonna have to bear with it.

##Things that will be changed##

- Stats!
- Sanity from fighting monster numbers
- Making it so its like the shadow monsters (Sanity for killing)
- Sprite details (Maybe?)
- Big portrait thing, I suck at drawing so I'm like "lets throw a placeholder" I'll get round to make my own

##Things planned to be added##

- RoG compatability (if it works on RoG or not right now I have no clue, your welcome to try but don't be surpised if it crashes)

I think thats it? pretty sure thats it, if not I'll be sure to add it, anyway hope you all enjoy it and hopefully, fingrs crossed, I can get this finished to a high standard soon.

If you have any feedback or issues with the mod lemmi know in the comments I could really do with the help



DST Version

Workshop link

Kiev Downloads

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Sooo Just curious to see if people know the answer, I added a Wilson speech file to my character, changed the lines named it the same as the file name etc but despite the fact I used the correct code for it in the modmain.lua ( local require = GLOBAL.require
GLOBAL.STRINGS.CHARACTERS.s115 = require "speech_s115")

it errrr, doesn't load it up and still uses the wilson lines


any ideas?

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did you think to look at your log? thats usually where people debug there mods from. that should tell you an idea of what you did wrong.


I found the problem but I'm still baffled why that was the case


see in all occasions when I had to referance a file for assets it wasn't case sensitive


Well for some reason this WAS case sensitive, capitalizing it made it work perfectly straight away

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yeah. some parts are case sensitive. so when you make a character or any other prefab, its probably easier to make sure the normal name is lowercase, so that you dont get confused with things that arent lowercase. i had this issue once too. glad to help. pretty much all of it is case sensitive when working, but some are forced uppercase. if you have any other sort of issue that you cant find on your own, you should keep in mind to attach your log to a post :D usually doing this gets more help. good luck modding :D

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ok UPDATE TIME! (Since I'm not sure how to edit my posts)


0.6 has been released but due to an oversight (as in I completely forgot about the download on the site) It's only avalible on Steam workshop, I'll make sure 0.7 is released here as well (0.7 is pretty small anyway, just custom sounds and a minimap icon) but guess this shows one thing: If you want the up to date version I would implore you to use the workshop


But so not to leave those in the dark I shall at least let you all know the changelog! so.


- Immune to Freezing
- Health increased by 50
- Hunger increased by 5
- Sanity drain at night increased by 0.1
- Hunger drain increased by 0.01
- Negative aura sanity gain increased by 0.1
- Custom lines
- Small sprite fixes


Now the whole "Will be nerfed in DST" is because even though I said it won't be till V1.0 once 0.7 is out I'm going to work on porting Spartan 115 to DST since once 0.7 is out 0.8-1.0 will be minor things


Here's my predictions for what each patch will contain, keep in mind this may and probitly WILL be changed



-Bug fixes,

-Sprite fixes (That torso is STILL eluding me)

- Balancing (need peoples help for that one in how the character feels to play since more input = more data = bigger projection of buffs and nerfs)

- DST Release (It will be 1.0 in DST)



- Bug fixes

- Sprite fixes

- Balancing (on both)

- Big portrait changed from placeholder (I suck so bad at drawing I would consider this big enough to be worth the patch)



- Bug fixes

- Sprite fixes

- Balancing

- ROG compatible



- Adding custom Items (Don't quote me on this one, there's a high chance this won't happen)


So hopfully those watching the thread can get an idea for what is going to happen, as for an ETA for them all? I can only say 0.7 should only take a few days and I aim (I HOPE TO!) to get 1.0 done by the end of the month.

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