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needing to set color of weapon in animstate?


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I'm using this inst.AnimState:SetAddColour(255,255,255,0.70)

However, it only shows that color when its on the ground and as soon as I hover over it with my mouse it goes back to normal, or if its in the air spinning it shows that color but it refuses to show it in my hand or inventory.


Here is the code for it, All the parts are there but it refuses to change color, it makes absolutely no sense to me, can anyone help me out?



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Since the game takes the texture in question directly and slaps it onto the player model, I think you'd be better off just making the texture for when held slightly transparent. if you need different states, it'd still be easier to use different textures. If you really need a flexible and/or fluent colour, there may be a way to manipulate individual symbols.

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