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How to set placed walls in a Set piece on Tiled editor?


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So, I've always loved set pieces and I recently have gotten the hang of making some. I know for a fact that you can have placed walls in set pieces, like the one where you find the Box thing, however I have no idea how to do that! I know how to set different turfs and items, but the tutorial I looked into didn't say anything about placed walls! Do I just have to set the square thingy or whatever small enough so that the placed wall would only be possible to be set in one place? And if it's the same as for other items, how do I differentiate between the level of repair the wall have (if that's even possible and isn't random)?


EDIT: How would you change the percentage of durability that an item has (if it has durability) when putting the item in a Set piece?

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I'd assume for the walls you just use the prefab name, did you try that? regarding the level, idk how to do that in the editor, but the setpiece file has the following code:

name = "",
type = "wall_stone",
shape = "rectangle",
x = 48,
y = 112,
width = 16,
height = 16,
visible = true,

properties = {
  ["data.health.percent"] = "0.25"


If you can figure that out, changing durability should work in the same manner, but calling the respective component (usually finiteuses or fueled)


EDIT: I only ever used that program once, and quickly found a better way of accomplishing my goal. as such, I only talk based on the tutorial and the game files.

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