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Load/Unload loop for mods?

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Has anyone ever encountered a problem where their mod would constantly be unloaded and reloaded upon world generation?


The following is my log file:

Starting up
Don't Starve: 115739 WIN32_STEAM
Build Date: 2014-11-04_16-15-32
THREAD - started 'GAClient' (18984)
   Saved Client Pos (0 x 22)
   Adjusted Window Pos (-8 x -8)
   All good.
   X-pos and Y-pos available (Left Stick)
   X-rot and Y-rot available (Right Stick)
GL_VENDOR: Google Inc.
THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (19244)
OpenGL extensions (19, 19):
GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384
4 compressed texture formats
texture format 0x83f0
texture format 0x83f1
texture format 0x83f2
texture format 0x83f3
DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
scripts/main.lua(161,1) running main.lua
scripts/modindex.lua(311,1) loaded modindex
scripts/modindex.lua(75,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.
scripts/modindex.lua(381,1) loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(152,1) Loading mod: Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modworldgenmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(187,1) Mod: Pond Manager  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/global.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/fishable/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/childspawner/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/loottables/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1549
scripts/playerprofile.lua(480,1) loaded profile
scripts/playerprofile.lua(544,1) bloom_enabled true
scripts/saveindex.lua(99,1) loaded saveindex
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1172,1) OnFilesLoaded()
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1161,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
scripts/gamelogic.lua(117,1) Unload BE
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4374c56c (yellowstaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x303bfdce (axe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x378bda50 (wall_wood_item)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8cc766ef (pumpkin_lantern)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfdcabd86 (earmuffshat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f46d7c0 (batbat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcceee6c3 (cutstone)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xaf34ecc0 (trunkvest_winter)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x875750ea (turf_road)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4aeb6641 (armordragonfly)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcd7669e5 (nightsword)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1daa5ab7 (turf_carpetfloor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xefa57cea (bandage)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xde4bc7e7 (wall_hay_item)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe51acd32 (lightning_rod)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x947bfcb8 (lightning_rod_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7100 (researchlab2)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3386a16a (researchlab2_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f5176c5 (firepit)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a462465 (firepit_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x75370b6 (papyrus)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbea16a01 (hambat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeb646050 (icehat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x10473739 (spear)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d44bbad (cookpot)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x30d2f57d (cookpot_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x89c20b1b (telebase)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x868a468f (telebase_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9d92cce (purpleamulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcf1626 (rabbithouse)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1aa31ec4 (rabbithouse_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe474f23c (armormarble)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ccdbe75 (icestaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7101 (researchlab3)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd6985329 (researchlab3_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21bf03b1 (thulecite)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x539e9e8a (trunkvest_summer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf4eb0943 (shovel)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x761a1799 (gunpowder)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a99c7b7 (armorgrass)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda17c8e8 (armorslurper)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x47611d71 (sweatervest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x85181f7c (minerhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe8f381a1 (turf_checkerfloor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd3671c87 (rainhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e264dbc (blowdart_pipe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2f0f89cb (reflectivevest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc4101586 (hammer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x41ba89b5 (nightmarefuel)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfbaefa0e (rainometer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xeea990dc (rainometer_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fcb037d (greenstaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7fceff10 (featherfan)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3c935451 (eyeturret_item)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcba65752 (amulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe16c07d0 (ruinshat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd2c60301 (dragonflychest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa72c4129 (dragonflychest_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1591875 (greenamulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdac7fbf5 (birdcage)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe1f9b335 (birdcage_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68ba7102 (researchlab4)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x79aa04e8 (researchlab4_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2c158f7c (torch)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x265d1455 (turf_woodfloor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a0ed246 (yellowamulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4e674c6 (hawaiianshirt)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc78d9876 (siestahut)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb22fa874 (siestahut_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xce5a342e (firesuppressor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbbba0ebc (firesuppressor_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x9a6718eb (resurrectionstatue)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6b0c64bf (resurrectionstatue_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfb37276 (telestaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3f6c9ebb (diviningrod)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa6b98890 (beargervest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5936c6a (firestaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x34fb4f82 (pitchfork)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3d4d1dc6 (bedroll_straw)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xadfdb7ae (armor_sanity)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x76d26529 (bugnet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5ce426c4 (blowdart_fire)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4740cff7 (tent)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb4d742b3 (tent_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8a2d55ba (catcoonhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4116c653 (raincoat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x62a5e7fe (nightlight)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x185806ec (nightlight_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa1e54a85 (goldenaxe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe6af29d2 (compass)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x19c004b2 (pighouse)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x469fe538 (pighouse_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xca16846d (boards)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfa14dec6 (birdtrap)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7c11af2 (treasurechest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd411bef8 (treasurechest_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xef21c9f2 (rope)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb981ecda (fast_farmplot)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6c77c310 (fast_farmplot_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbcfca634 (strawhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x111db7ae (footballhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1eee0485 (transistor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1cd9e60e (razor)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1541c9cc (armorruins)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe87e06c0 (icebox)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2bd1baa (icebox_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x36768a92 (orangestaff)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ca456a0 (orangeamulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xff7a976 (staff_tornado)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd8067599 (beehat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc22935e4 (icepack)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x739fbe3c (homesign)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33fdbd2e (homesign_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c42203 (bell)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x15220700 (backpack)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xa8b25abc (wall_ruins_item)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3ede96f8 (nightstick)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xd5201c09 (beebox)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x753b7621 (beebox_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb918c5fd (fishingrod)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x651e3e9e (eyebrellahat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x92ccc001 (coldfirepit)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x21e04429 (coldfirepit_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x5a59f5cc (goldenshovel)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e54b535 (cane)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb6201ac9 (onemanband)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4685284 (umbrella)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xda1f7edf (winterometer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x955229cb (winterometer_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe2bfa46 (tophat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xacbea762 (fertilizer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3949a42 (meatrack)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x56340ba8 (meatrack_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6dda899f (watermelonhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x94cf6c04 (goldenpickaxe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x86860bc2 (boomerang)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xb1fa364d (pickaxe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3cb06493 (healingsalve)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x39311b4d (grass_umbrella)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x37c31aa6 (lantern)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbc429ef3 (bushhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x80cb1e18 (featherhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3edae42e (multitool_axe_pickaxe)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x7f2d088c (armorwood)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x46094f1b (beefalohat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf8e41fa9 (bedroll_furry)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcda99af6 (winterhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1c48b877 (campfire)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdfe3a33 (campfire_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4d9a964d (trap)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x68370bd6 (trap_teeth)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x4058bc0 (molehat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xcad92460 (flowerhat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xec43b9f4 (sewing_kit)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xfb180669 (blowdart_sleep)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x38967bb2 (researchlab)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x77e9ae38 (researchlab_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8bbc7f55 (beemine)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdf13a0c1 (ruins_bat)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x22ec3802 (wall_stone_item)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x8d60ee3a (coldfire)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe72d29b0 (coldfire_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x263bc4d5 (slow_farmplot)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x321f7255 (slow_farmplot_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xe5071541 (nightmare_timepiece)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xc3bf310c (blueamulet)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2ae7e3b3 (purplegem)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x6f21e747 (piggyback)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf0330963 (panflute)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xdb20fa95 (heatrock)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1153dbb9 (pottedfern)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xf2102a71 (pottedfern_placer)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x33ab6997 (hud)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x3364203d (forest)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x2e5cb72d (cave)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x40b82ff2 (maxwell)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0xbddda476 (fire)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x1078732c (character_fire)
Could not unload undefined prefab 0x427b5b39 (shatter)
scripts/gamelogic.lua(120,1) Unload BE done
scripts/dlcsupport.lua(24,1) Load scripts/DLC001_prefab_files
HttpClientWriteCallback (0x008CD607, 1, 16, 0x06DFF9F0)
HttpClientWriteCallback READ 16 (16 total)
scripts/mods.lua(269,1) Mod: Pond Manager Registering prefabs
scripts/mods.lua(292,1) Mod: Pond Manager  Registering default mod prefab
scripts/gamelogic.lua(132,1) Load FE
scripts/gamelogic.lua(136,1) Load FE: done
scripts/screens/mainscreen.lua(576,1) platform_motd table: 116CA120
scripts/modindex.lua(85,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
Reset() returning
QueryServerComplete no callback
HttpClientWriteCallback (0x008CD564, 1, 1250, 0x06DFF9F0)
HttpClientWriteCallback READ 1250 (1250 total)
scripts/screens/mainscreen.lua(576,1) platform_motd table: 116C6958
QueryStats: { "req":"modrank", "field":"Session.Loads.Mods.list", "fieldop":"unwind", "linkpref":"external", "limit": 20}
GetCachedUGCCount 0
HttpClientWriteCallback (0x008CD609, 1, 2380, 0x06DFF9F0)
HttpClientWriteCallback READ 2380 (2380 total)
   EResult 1, results 2/2
Enum complete. Found 2 mods.
DeleteUnsubscribedFiles [../mods]
FindDirectoriesMatching [../mods/workshop-*]
Getting mod details...
   EResult 9, 354690557
Failed getting mod details.
Getting mod details...
   EResult 9, 354694101
Failed getting mod details.
Mod listing complete.
SteamWorkshop::OnError: DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod.
SteamWorkshop::CompleteCallback (failure, DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod.) set
SimLuaProxy::OnUpdateWorkshopModsComplete(failed, DownloadPublishedFile attempted to download non-existent mod.)
scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(888,1) Reloading Mod Info Prefabs
scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(875,1) Loading Mod Info Prefabs
scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(880,1) Unloading Mod Info Prefabs
../mods/Configurable Ponds/preview.tex is 268x268 but compressed textures must have power of 2 dimensions.
../mods/workshop-354694101/preview.tex is 268x268 but compressed textures must have power of 2 dimensions.
scripts/screens/modsscreen.lua(880,1) Unloading Mod Info Prefabs
scripts/mods.lua(304,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_Pond Manager
Collecting garbage...
lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
lua_close took 0.01 seconds
ReleaseAll Finished
DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
scripts/main.lua(161,1) running main.lua
scripts/modindex.lua(311,1) loaded modindex
scripts/modindex.lua(75,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.
scripts/modindex.lua(381,1) loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(152,1) Loading mod: Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modworldgenmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(187,1) Mod: Pond Manager  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/global.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/fishable/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/childspawner/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/loottables/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1549
scripts/playerprofile.lua(480,1) loaded profile
scripts/playerprofile.lua(544,1) bloom_enabled true
scripts/saveindex.lua(99,1) loaded saveindex
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1172,1) OnFilesLoaded()
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1161,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
scripts/gamelogic.lua(111,1) FE assets already loaded
scripts/mods.lua(269,1) Mod: Pond Manager Registering prefabs
scripts/mods.lua(292,1) Mod: Pond Manager  Registering default mod prefab
scripts/screens/mainscreen.lua(576,1) platform_motd table: 0BF48D10
HttpClientWriteCallback (0x008CD564, 1, 1250, 0x06DFF9F0)
HttpClientWriteCallback READ 1250 (1250 total)
scripts/modindex.lua(85,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
Reset() returning
scripts/screens/mainscreen.lua(576,1) platform_motd table: 0B8402D0
scripts/saveindex.lua(772,1) SaveIndex:StartSurvivalMode!: true
scripts/mods.lua(304,1) unloading prefabs for mod MOD_Pond Manager
Collecting garbage...
lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
lua_close took 0.02 seconds
ReleaseAll Finished
DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
scripts/main.lua(161,1) running main.lua
scripts/modindex.lua(311,1) loaded modindex
scripts/modindex.lua(75,1) ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.
scripts/modindex.lua(381,1) loaded mod_config_data/modconfiguration_Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(152,1) Loading mod: Pond Manager
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modworldgenmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(187,1) Mod: Pond Manager  Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
scripts/mods.lua(179,1) Mod: Pond Manager Loading modmain.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/global.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/fishable/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/childspawner/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/base.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/loottables/pond/winter.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/summer.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/spring.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/data/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/mods.lua(105,1) modimport: ../mods/Pond Manager/configurations/pond/autumn.lua
scripts/playerdeaths.lua(79,1) PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 1549
scripts/playerprofile.lua(480,1) loaded profile
scripts/playerprofile.lua(544,1) bloom_enabled true
scripts/saveindex.lua(99,1) loaded saveindex
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1172,1) OnFilesLoaded()
scripts/gamelogic.lua(1161,1) OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (20996)
DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/dlcsupport_worldgen.lua(24,1) DLC enabled : true
scripts/modindex.lua(85,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
Reset() returning
DoLuaFile Error: not enough memory
not enough memory
Error loading worldgen_main.lua
WorldSim::SimThread::Main() ERROR
LUA: RUN-TIME ERROR not enough memory
It seems that it's being unloaded and reloaded and eventually causes a memory leak. Now I have tested every aspect of this mod 'after' the actual world generation and it worked flawlessly, however, during world generation it seems to throw this error out. Any help is appreciated.
Edited by Kzisor
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There was an issue with mod assets being loaded multiple times, stacking up memory. See this bug report. However, this issue had been reportedly fixed by @Cheerio around late May.

However, there is still an issue with mod RAM usage in that all mod assets are always loaded (including assets for not currently spawned prefabs). This was discussed here (I quote it verbatim because this was a PM conversation):

All the assets are getting loaded and I believe that's intentional. The bug I fixed is that assets were not getting flushed out when restarting after enabling and disabling mods which caused the problem of double the memory being used.

Oh, ok then. But if you have the time, it might be worth it to make mod prefab assets load like vanilla ones, otherwise the problem will still happen on twice the installed mod size, even though the user should be able to run the mods (unless every prefab from every mod was in the screen at the same time, to match the current RAM usage). A fix should be achieved by calling TheSim:RegisterPrefab on each mod prefab instead of listing all of them as prefab dependencies of MOD_MyModName and calling TheSim:LoadPrefabs{{"MOD_MyModName"}), which to the best of my knowledge recursively loads all prefab dependencies as well.

It should be enough to (within ModWrangler:RegisterPrefabs) not list the mod prefabs and prefab dependencies of the MOD_MyModName root prefab, listing just the core mod assets in its list of assets dependencies. Then only the MOD_MyModName prefab would be TheSim:LoadPrefabs'ed, and the list of prefabs would be TheSim:RegisterPrefab'ed. It shouldn't be strictly necessary to change ModWranger:UnloadPrefabs as well, but if for peace of mind you'd like to ensure all mod prefabs are unloaded then you could just, in addition to unloading the MOD_MyModName prefab, unload the prefabs obtained by calling ModWranger:GetMod("MyModName").Prefabs (the prefab names, which are what's relevant here, are the keys to the table).

(but I have yet to test how effective of a solution the above is; the Linux standalone updater has stopped working for a long time, and profiling the memory usage of the Steam version is far from straightforward, due to the process juggling between dontstarve_steam and Steam before actually starting the game)

If you don't have the time to look further into this, I should be able to do this on my end by modding ModWrangler:RegisterPrefabs and ModWrangler:UnloadPrefabs. But that would require overriding ModWranger:RegisterPrefabs, which... is not a really good idea.


I implemented the memory spike fix as a mod, based on the guesses I posted before.


It seems to be quite effective, keeping total RAM usage under 1GB even with both Up and Away and Hero in the Dark enabled, as well as speeding up the game starting up time considerably.

What I did was, as mentioned before, make mod assets be simply registered instead of loaded (when doing this, I also unlist them as dependencies from MOD_MyModName). Instead of patching ModWrangler:UnloadPrefabs as well, I simply included all mod prefabs in self.loadedprefabs.

To preserve compatibility with mods and get mod prefab assets loading properly, I wrapped each mod prefab's constructor (automatically) with a one time TheSim:LoadPrefabs loading their assets.

I could include this fix in Up and Away, with DeathDisciple also including it in Hero in the Dark, but having multiple mods patching the mod asset loading mechanism is not really ideal and could lead to issues along the road, so of course having such a fix be part of the base game would be preferable.

EDIT: I revised MemSpikeFix once more to make incompatibility with other mods patching prefab constructors pretty much impossible. I uploaded the link posted here with the revised version.

Cheerio, I don't know if you're keeping tab on this or not, but just in case you are, I found and fixed an issue with the MemSpikeFix mod where mod recipe placers could be invisible under some circumstances (due to the used animation assets not being loaded by the time the placer is spawned). This fix is not reflected in the version I posted in this PM conversation.

My GitHub repository for it is guaranteed to reflect its latest status.

There are some issues in MemSpikeFix with some kinds of mod assets not being properly loaded when they should (you can find more detailed info in the mod commends, so, given the large number of special cases to be worked around and the fact that this was basically a hack attempting to fix an issue in the way the game handles mods, i've pretty much abandoned the effort.

However, your mod reloading again and again shouldn't be happening. The reason it's crashing is likely because memory is piling up due to the reloading combined with the issues I mentioned above, but the reloading itself seems to be an error it its own, for which I don't have an explanation.

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@simplex, thank you for the massive amount of information.


I've actually found that during unload of mods the configuration options internal selections are not being disposed of properly in memory. However, the unloading and reloading issue seems to still exist and I've not found a resolution for it. I've recreated my mod from the ground up and even when there is nothing loading except an empty modmain.lua and the modinfo.lua file it seems to still unload and reload.


I hope Klei can shed some more light on the situation when they get back into the office.



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[...] it seems to still unload and reload.

It should reload whenever the game opens a new instance (under RoG, the bug was that mods were loaded, RoG unloaded all mods before loading, RoG loaded, and then all mods loaded again, so mods were loaded twice per game instance). Starting the game is one instance, opening any save (under DST, resuming or joining a server) opens another (and then another instance is created when going back the main menu), entering worldgen opens another instance. And I believe mods are also reloaded after you exit the mods screen.

So, under normal circumstances, if you're opening the game with the mod enabled, creating another world (passing through worldgen), entering the world, leaving to the main menu and then quitting the game, your mod should be loading 4 times in total.

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It should reload whenever the game opens a new instance (under RoG, the bug was that mods were loaded, RoG unloaded all mods before loading, RoG loaded, and then all mods loaded again, so mods were loaded twice per game instance). Starting the game is one instance, opening any save (under DST, resuming or joining a server) opens another (and then another instance is created when going back the main menu), entering worldgen opens another instance. And I believe mods are also reloaded after you exit the mods screen.

So, under normal circumstances, if you're opening the game with the mod enabled, creating another world (passing through worldgen), entering the world, leaving to the main menu and then quitting the game, your mod should be loading 4 times in total.


This makes perfect sense, however, one would think one of two things. 1) the mods would be unloaded and disposed of upon each reload or 2) the configuration options would overwrite themselves.


However, based on my particular tests and data it seems that neither of these are true and that could be the direct root of the problem, i.e. configuration options aren't being disposed properly.

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