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I am trying to change the color of the forcefield.. can anyone help me?


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I just want to change the color of the forcefield for my mod character. 


for example, when my mod character gets hit by a monster, my mod hat creates the forcefield around.


I want to change that color to bluish color.

local assets={	Asset("ANIM", "anim/hat_fox.zip"),	Asset("ATLAS", "images/inventoryimages/hat_fox.xml")}local function ruinshat_proc(inst, owner)    inst:AddTag("forcefield")    inst.components.armor:SetAbsorption(TUNING.FULL_ABSORPTION)    local fx = SpawnPrefab("scripts/prefabs/forcefieldfx_blue")    fx.entity:SetParent(owner.entity)    fx.Transform:SetPosition(0, 0.2, 0)	    local fx_hitanim = function()        fx.AnimState:PlayAnimation("hit")        fx.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle_loop")    end    fx:ListenForEvent("blocked", fx_hitanim, owner)    inst.components.armor.ontakedamage = function(inst, damage_amount)        if owner then            local sanity = owner.components.sanity            if sanity then                local unsaneness = damage_amount * TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_DMG_AS_SANITY                sanity:DoDelta(-unsaneness, false)            end        end    end    inst.active = true    owner:DoTaskInTime(--[[Duration]] TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_DURATION, function()        fx:RemoveEventCallback("blocked", fx_hitanim, owner)        fx.kill_fx(fx)		        if inst:IsValid() then            inst:RemoveTag("forcefield")            inst.components.armor.ontakedamage = nil            inst.components.armor:SetAbsorption(TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_ABSORPTION)            owner:DoTaskInTime(--[[Cooldown]] TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_COOLDOWN, function() inst.active = false end)        end    end)endlocal function tryproc(inst, owner)    if not inst.active and math.random() < --[[ Chance to proc ]] TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_PROC_CHANCE then       ruinshat_proc(inst, owner)    endendlocal function onequip(inst, owner)         owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_hat", "hat_fox", "swap_hat")        owner.AnimState:Show("HAT")        owner.AnimState:Show("HAT_HAIR")        owner.AnimState:Hide("HAIR_NOHAT")        owner.AnimState:Hide("HAIR")				owner.AnimState:Show("HEAD")        owner.AnimState:Hide("HEAD_HAIR")        inst.procfn = function() tryproc(inst, owner) end        owner:ListenForEvent("attacked", inst.procfn)endlocal function onunequip(inst, owner)         owner.AnimState:Hide("HAT")        owner.AnimState:Hide("HAT_HAIR")        owner.AnimState:Show("HAIR_NOHAT")        owner.AnimState:Show("HAIR")				if owner:HasTag("player") then            owner.AnimState:Show("HEAD")            owner.AnimState:Hide("HEAD_HAIR")        end        owner:RemoveEventCallback("attacked", inst.procfn)endlocal function fn(Sim)	local inst = CreateEntity()	local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform()	local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState()    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)        inst:AddTag("hat")        anim:SetBank("featherhat")    anim:SetBuild("hat_fox")    anim:PlayAnimation("anim")                inst:AddComponent("inspectable")        inst:AddTag("irreplaceable")		inst:AddComponent("armor")	inst.components.armor:InitCondition(TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT, TUNING.ARMOR_RUINSHAT_ABSORPTION)	--inst.components.armor:SetAbsorption(0)	--inst.components.armor:SetCondition(100)        inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/hat_fox.xml"        inst:AddComponent("equippable")    inst.components.equippable.equipslot = EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD        inst.components.equippable:SetOnEquip( onequip )    inst.components.equippable:SetOnUnequip( onunequip )        return instendreturn Prefab( "common/inventory/hat_fox", fn, assets) 

this is the code for my mod character's hat, and

local assets = {   Asset("ANIM", "anim/forcefield_blue.zip")}local function kill_fx(inst)    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("close")    inst.components.lighttweener:StartTween(nil, 0, .9, 0.9, nil, .2)    inst:DoTaskInTime(0.6, function() inst:Remove() end)    endlocal function fn(Sim)	local inst = CreateEntity()	local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform()    local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState()    local sound = inst.entity:AddSoundEmitter()    anim:SetBank("forcefield")    anim:SetBuild("forcefield_blue")    anim:PlayAnimation("open")    anim:PushAnimation("idle_loop", true)    inst:AddComponent("lighttweener")    local light = inst.entity:AddLight()    inst.components.lighttweener:StartTween(light, 0, .9, 0.9, {1,1,1}, 0)    inst.components.lighttweener:StartTween(nil, 3, .9, 0.9, nil, .2)    inst.kill_fx = kill_fx    sound:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/forcefield_LP", "loop")    return instendreturn Prefab( "common/forcefieldfx_blue", fn, assets) 

and this is my lua file in my mod folder.


when I try this, I got an error message saying "attempt index nil value ( fx) in line 11.


Does anyone know how to do it?

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@dnjswns951, SpawnPrefab("scripts/prefabs/forcefieldfx_blue") should be SpawnPrefab("forcefieldfx_blue")


But a nicer way to do this would probably be to use AnimState:SetAddColour(0,0,1,1) (the arguments are R, G, B, Alpha). This way you could vary the color more flexibly, although given the base color of red you won't have a full range of color. But this is the method by which pinecones become green when you're placing them, for example.

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@dnjswns951, SpawnPrefab("scripts/prefabs/forcefieldfx_blue") should be SpawnPrefab("forcefieldfx_blue")


But a nicer way to do this would probably be to use AnimState:SetAddColour(0,0,1,1) (the arguments are R, G, B, Alpha). This way you could vary the color more flexibly, although given the base color of red you won't have a full range of color. But this is the method by which pinecones become green when you're placing them, for example.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! it works perfectly!!

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