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Losing sanity when on survival and a player dies.

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I'm going to assume "feature" since there's a ghost icon near your sanity bar when this happens. I'm not really sure why this is in place, except to make sure you go help revive the other player asap. I'm not a fan because it feels like a "Dawn of the First Day" type of thing. The clock is ticking on you also dying from shadow creatures killing you when you go insane, because you couldn't find a healing gland quickly enough to resurrect your friend or maybe don't have enough health to make the heart. And since it's survival, once you're both dead you're scrambling to find touch stones before the server resets itself. Personally I'm okay with the server reset function when all players are dead. The losing sanity when someone is dead, not really okay with that.

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I actually like this. It's good to have a time-sensitive reason to revive them. However, I think the tuning may need to be adjusted a bit. On the dedicated servers it was pretty impossible, although I suppose most of the other players were new and making pretty bad mistakes, but it made it completely impossible. Currently it's apparently set to 5/min, so a Tam o' Shanter can cancel out just one. It caps out at 15/min.


But I'll keep playing to see how it is. I think the balance would actually be pretty nice for a closed 4-person game with people you know, but it was pretty rough on the public dedicated server.


Edit: Played another round on the dedicated server, and... I think this game mode is just not going to work for public servers, at least not until a votekick type system is in. It suffers from the same problem as the early global health penalty where all it takes for someone to ruin everything is for them to die.

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I think the sanity drain is a terrible mechanic.  The entire server dies based on your weakest link.  I hate to say it, but after experiencing multiple such server wipes because a new guy died several times, I'm tempted not to keep playing.   


I don't mind paying for my own mistakes.  I don't mind helping other people recover from theirs.  


I don't want my entire game to be ruined because of one player's mistakes.  

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