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Is WX OP or is it just me?


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Well, by nature whether he "feels like a robot" is very subjective but mechanics-wise he doesn't seem much like one to me. I'm not saying that this is a problem by itself because it really isn't. 

But it is a bit of a problem that he's "boring", since his main perk offers nearly entirely passive benefits that cease being beneficial if he somehow burns through his expanded pools. So I figure if we're suggesting changes to him anyway, regardless of whether he's OP, I'd leave my thoughts on the table as to why I don't find him fun or interesting to play.


If someone does find him fun or interesting in his current form, I'm not trying to tell that they're wrong. Maybe they're just more easily immersed than I am.



EDIT: Though having given it some more thought, perhaps his expanded pools are somewhat robot-like given how infrequently he'll need to eat or sleep after enough gears.


I see, I certainly respect your opinion on the matter. It's just that I feel like it's a bit too late to give the character such a drastic change of mechanics all of a sudden.


If you think about it, we have many characters with active benefits, like Wendy and her ghost, Wickerbottom and her books, etc. WX may just be a passive-benifit type of character. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they have the choice to not play as him.


Personally, WX's ability to raise his stats make me feel a little safer (even though I've never reached the max upgrade, but I'm hoping to get there). It's also nice to be able to eat stale food. But I can understand that this isn't all that exciting to you and I respect your views.


Edited to fix a little name mix-up. ^^'

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