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DST suggestions

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I've got about 15-20 hours of DST in by now and here are a few suggestions:


Ban & roll-back option


From what I understand, this will likely be implemented eventually, and I think it's a great idea. You could tie the roll-back option to kicks or bans, so if you kick someone you get the chance to reset your world to its state 1 minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes ago.

Maybe there could also be a counter keeping track of how often someone got banned and an option to not let people into your game if they've been previously banned a certain number of times. If they eventually couldn't find a game to play in anymore, they can still open their own servers after all. Alternatively, just put them in a personal blacklist so I can forever exclude them from my servers.


Signs to write on


It'd be great to have signs to actually write messages on for people to read. I do actually enjoy using pine cones to make arrows with, but leaving messages via craftable signs would be great. (Related to this: the spawn points should be fixed! But I understand they're meant to be anyway, and the fact that they're not is just a bug.)


Prevent items from leaving the world


This has already been mentioned somewhere in relation to griefers. I don't think it'd be so useful to make people drop all their items automatically when disconnecting (they might want to come back after all), but if there were a way to mark items that shouldn't leave the world, that'd be very useful. Mostly I'm thinking of chester's eyebone. There could be an option in the world settings to mark what can't leave the world and what can't.


Lockable chests


Slightly related to this, having a chest to put your most valuable stuff in (or stuff you simply don't want anyone to leave with) would also be nice. That could just be a craftable item with a key, so if anyone found your key they could still take everything, but then that's your own fault.




It often happens that just before I'm about to leave, someone joins my server. I imagine it must be a bit frustrating for them to join and then find I'm leaving 5 minutes later. There could be a timer you can set to show you'll be leaving in 10 minutes or so and leave it up to people if they still want to join your server anyway. Alternatively, there could be an option to simply hide your server so nobody can join anymore.


That's it for now!





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Hey there, welcome to the forums and DST!

Ban & roll-back option: Ban/kick already exists, just not "rollback yet" - but it's in the works, as are personal blacklists/whitelists. Adding a feature for auto-excluding players based on their number of bans is a nice thought, I see where you're going with it, but it could be used against legitimate players by griefers. Imagine if a griefer sets up a public server, and as soon as any player joins, bans them. These  unsuspecting players now have a black mark against their record, and potentially can no longer play on friendly public servers if the host set their exclusion to "1 or more bans".

Signs to write on: I remember one of the devs, I think it was Seth, saying that he wanted to implement this.

Spawn point bug: fixed as of 11/17 for any newly-created worlds. Existing old worlds may still experience the issue though.

Prevent items from leaving the world: definitely on Seth's radar and options are being considered/explored. I don't think there's been an official stance yet, just a few threads floating around about it that players are contributing to and offering thoughts/suggestions.

Lockable chests: I thought I remember someone, Joe maybe?, mentioning that there'd be something along the lines of this introduced at some point. I think it was in one of the many PvP-related threads pretty early on in development.

Timer: that would definitely be a good addition.

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And thanks for the warm welcome! It's good to know most of these things have already been considered.


I suppose you're right and the risk is too high that people would get banned for no reason only to find they can't join friendly servers anymore. Then again, I imagine there'd still be a big difference between someone getting occasionally banned by a griefer and someone getting regularly banned for actually griefing. At any rate, ban&roll-back sounds like it would reduce griefing to a mere hassle, and hopefully once something like that is implemented, a lot more servers will forgo passwords again! :)






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