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Suggestion: Vending Machine

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I was just reading a few threads regarding spawning in winter. From what I gather, there will be no auto-given items when someone new joins a server that's in winter.


People have also been setting up 'Welcome Packages' for new players who've joined their server. I'm not entirely sure how this is done (haven't joined a winter server), but I think it would be cool to have some sort of vending machine that could be built at spawn and filled with materials and a few target items.


So for example, you build it at spawn. Once built, when accessed, it would have 2 sections of slots; the left side would have 3 vertical slots in which you would place items for the machine to vend. The right would look simply like a chest, and you'd put the materials required to create each item in there (enough so the machine can be used a few times).


This machine would only be stock-able by its creator; unless there's some other option. Maybe the creator of the machine can 'give' access to stock it.


When a player first spawns; the machine would have a one-time-only free vend for that player, meaning the player can use it once for free.

This machine could be from that point on useless to familiar players, or there could be the option to set it up so that it vends for a price; that price being any item.

Of course, if it was setup to vend for a price, the player using it would have to know what they are paying for, and what they're paying.


There could be a few bonuses to such a machine:

  • New players who join the server are pretty much guaranteed some help (as long as the machine is there and stocked)
  • The player who made the machine doesn't have to worry about someone taking everything they put in it.
  • Items in the machine would expire slowly; similar to a fridge.
  • Raw materials don't go to waste; as they are crafted into specific items on-demand
  • It could add a system of trade to the game... if it was developed in a way that it allowed players to 'sell' items for items; which it believe is interesting.
  • It can be used outside of spawn situations as a on-demand crafting machine
  • It doesn't 'have' to be used...


Anyways, just an idea I had; what do you guys think?



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I feel like a welcoming package would be better than a vending machine. How would it fit into the lore? The noir-esque style? No idea how this would work. Mountain dew don't starve machine hype.


It would obviously be Don't Starve themed... I'm not suggesting a Coca Cola ad or anything...

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