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Gog multiplayer?

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I was never particularly interested about this game until about a month or so ago friend told me some things about it I didn't know and busted some myths I believed in (namely I expected it to be some sort of simple minecraft-like, not something when you can actually pretty easily die forever if something random goes wrong).


I was planning to get this game on gog, due to it being, you know, not a drm and money ripoff, but then the multiplayer might put a wrench in my plans. Will I and my friend be able to play the multiplayer together, with me having a gog copy, while he's got a steam version?

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I'm not entirely to sure on this, but depending on how they go about the whole servers thing, the answer could be either yes or no, so until we get more information (atleast, as far as I know) we can't really address your question. Personally I'd just play it safe and get it on Steam, but if you prefer GoG then you'll have to wait and see.

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Thank you for your answer. I was really hoping for a quick clarification by devs or sth, but I actually found out that the game's also available on humble store at a somewhat reasonable price, and with both drm-free version and steam key; I'll probably get it there then once things come down to it.

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Thank you for your answer. I was really hoping for a quick clarification by devs or sth, but I actually found out that the game's also available on humble store at a somewhat reasonable price, and with both drm-free version and steam key; I'll probably get it there then once things come down to it.

Multiplayer was literally announced 3 days ago, and as the devs put it they're avoiding giving technical details since they could easily change, with multiplayer being so early in development.

My guess is the GOG and Steam releases will be interoperable, but an official statement on that will probably take a while. Though I'm not sure how well supported the GOG release is, since I heard very little of it (and the little I heard was not good, concerning minor issues with it not placing files in the usual places and things like that). But since I'm no fan of GOG, maybe I just focused on the negatives :razz:. Nevertheless, I'd recommend the Humble release as, by far, the best DRM free way to obtain Don't Starve.

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