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Suggestion: Shadow Cloak +Bush Hat nerf

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Shadow Cloak...

Crafting: some Nightmare Fuel, Silk and *a magic ingredient*; Shadow Manipulator required

Unlike the Bush Hat, it should have limited durability. It makes the player invisible while being worn. Even mobs that have already noticed the player will ignore it.

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Shadow Cloak...

Crafting: some Nightmare Fuel, Silk and *a magic ingredient*; Shadow Manipulator required

Unlike the Bush Hat, it should have limited durability. It makes the player invisible while being worn. Even mobs that have already noticed the player will ignore it.

PLUS, wearing the Bush Hat should slowly decrease the characer's sight distance until the player becomes completely blind, so Charlie can attack.


Why would you go blind while hiding in a bush ? You already need to make sure you remain near a light source while hiding, and as soon as you need to refuel it (if it's not a permanent light source), then you have to go out of your bush, exposing yourself to any danger lurking around. As soon as an ennemy targets you, you are done for as hiding beneath the bush won't save you.


As for the shadow cloak, even though it reminds me of Harry Potter's invisibility cape, I do find the idea interesting =) However, it would need to be well balanced (durability, repair, delay before hostile mobs turn neutral, etc), because as opposed to other methods of hiding we currently have at our disposition, we could be mobile with it and that would make it incredibly strong (if not too much).

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This seems quite OP for a craftable. May be it would have a really low chance of being dropped by a Terror beak or a Crawling Horror! Like the idea, thought.


PS can someone explain to me what's the point of a Berry bush hat and how to use it if it doesn't work against getting away from a monster? I tried hiding with the Berry bush hat during a hound attack and still got hit!

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This seems quite OP for a craftable. May be it would have a really low chance of being dropped by a Terror beak or a Crawling Horror! Like the idea, thought.


PS can someone explain to me what's the point of a Berry bush hat and how to use it if it doesn't work against getting away from a monster? I tried hiding with the Berry bush hat during a hound attack and still got hit!


You have to use the Bush hat before you are targeted by a mob. Once they have targettet you, they will attack you regardless.


I personally use it when I'm going in the ruins. With the Thulecite Medallion, I find a quiet spot near a light flower when I see the nightmare is about to begin and hide throughout the nightmare. If you are hidden before shadow creatures spawn, they won't come and attack you. If they already aggroed on you, however, they won't fall for your Bush Hat! Be careful as if your character says something while hidden (such as if an earthquake is incoming), he will not be hidden anymore and can be attacked by shadow creatures. Anyway, if there is an earthquake, you don't want to be sitting still.

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