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Tracking new updates

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Is there any way to directly track new update releases?


There's no doubt a lot of people would love to receive notification as soon as there's new update available, but I couldn't find any way of subscribing to them.


Because of the way how updates are posted (not in one thread as a list, but as new threads), there's no way to RSS subscribe to it, nor using chrome extensions which monitor change of the particular page.


Is there any way how we can subscribe, or if not, perhaps devs might change the structure how the publish updates to make it convenient for other people to track it (how about using the main blog for that, actually?).

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I don't think there is. I was going to suggest becoming Bryce's friend and following every time he posts, but there's not even that option. I think it's a good suggestion though, at the very least, to be able to be notified when certain members create a new topic (because really the only time Bryce does that is updates)

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I don't think there is. I was going to suggest becoming Bryce's friend and following every time he posts, but there's not even that option. I think it's a good suggestion though, at the very least, to be able to be notified when certain members create a new topic (because really the only time Bryce does that is updates)



If Bryce is the only guy who posts updates, and doesn't create new posts about other stuff - then in theory I would just feed the following url into yahoo pipes and create RSS out of it.




But, there is a problem:


1. That page cannot be accessed without logging in.

2. If he will still post something irrelevant to the update, it will just become useless.


So we have literally no source for tracking new updates.

That is not good for community as well as Klei themselves, as it reduces amount of users who will come back to test the new updates.

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