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So I want to add scenario to Islands level I created.

The thing is I want season to change every time player uses a wormhole.

That can be done with other ways like prefab post inits and such but then it would affect all savefile if the mod is enabled.

Scenarios seems ideal for the job, I found out they are attached to objects like set pieces and such, now it would possbile to attach it to wormhole prefab, and how to do that? (can't find anything about using scenarios)

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Scenarios are just for set pieces, unfortunately. But you can do

AddPrefabPostInit("wormhole", function(inst)    if GetWorld() and GetWorld().meta.level_id == "ISLANDS" then        -- stuff    endend)
(I found about this yesterday myself, when implementing a Caves Preview-like survival preset for U&A; this was also how I found out dlc support at worldgen is broken)
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