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new mechanism : thirst

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to make dont starve more fun and realistic what do you think of thirst?

you could have a thirst bar witch drains after a day and you need to fill it up from: 

  • drinking from puddles lose health because of bacteria
  • making a bucket of water or bottles 
  • in winter you can melt ice and make it into water
  • rivers will be added and you could drink clean water form them

i think it will be a great idea and it will make the game more fun,hard and realistic.

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Next time you make a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if the suggestion has been made, and subsequently denied. Klei didn't want to add thirst because it felt to micromanage-y frankly, I agree, all it would be is a second Hunger meter, all it would do would make more of a reason to turtle at your base near a stream and not ever do anything else

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