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Telelocator staff

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In vanilla Don't Starve my favourite way too regain health was too teleport butterfly and get health from lightning, but now, since lightning can kill you, touchstone lightning was removed, but can somebody confirm that telelocator staff lightning was removed too?

I am not that far in my RoG game to check it out.

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I can't confirm but if it by chance has been overlooked, Klei will definitely fix the issue. What do you mean by "to regain health was to teleport butterfly and get health from lightning"? Do you mean you would teleport to where a butterfly was flying so the lightning could kill it and you could take the wings? That seems like an expensive use for a minor reward

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I can't confirm but if it by chance has been overlooked, Klei will definitely fix the issue. What do you mean by "to regain health was to teleport butterfly and get health from lightning"? Do you mean you would teleport to where a butterfly was flying so the lightning could kill it and you could take the wings? That seems like an expensive use for a minor reward


WX-78 regenerates crazy amount of health when lighting strikes, and, because he attracts it, I just teleport nearest creature and gain some free health, speed, and glow.

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