Bugs and general abnormalities observed while playing.


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There are a few bugs in this game I’d like to go over, some are general issues and some are pretty obvious oversights.



This is not a trap kill.


(Why can't I embed steam images?  What the **** is "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." doing here?)



So was I hit and took no damage or did the enemy think it hit me and the game was like "Good enough for me" and failed it?




Two instances of seals just blatantly failing to work properly. In one instance 'Trap Kills' doesn't apply to stalkers or floor spike traps.  In the other instance just alerting the guard can cause the 'take no damage' seals to fail outright not no explained reason.




There's some other general bugs that can be encountered.


When trying to aim at a target at the edge of the screen and the 'target snapping' can cause the screen to swerve suddenly ruining your aim, when you try to go back to it it will do it again and again making it frustrating to target something.



If you're just an inch off the ground and you try to do a silent kill you will instead give them a slap in the face.  This is kind of a problem because it means you cannot act quickly, instead having to sit there and make sure your character's firmly on the ground before performing a stealth kill.  You can't simply you know.... drop down and put the sword through their shoulder using the momentum of your fall.  Oh no.



On the flip side when you're using the silent suit or at the end of the game without armor you will notice a lot of the time your punches phase straight through enemies until they've detected you.  Probably because it expects you to stealth kill despite the option not being there due to you know... a lack of a sword.



Guards sometimes act erratically and will often when doing a talking scene will become out of sync and one will be patrolling while the other is talking to himself, and then they may nexttime be totally in sync, then the guy who was talking to himself patrols first, and it goes on like that and it makes the stealth aspect difficult because enemies aren't acting in a consistant manner.



Sometimes guards on a perch that you're hanging on will see you and proceed to shoot at the ground.  Sometimes the bullets will phase through the ground and hit you, othertimes they just sit there shooting you with their endless supply of magical bullets.



I'll add it when I have a better connection.



Guard dogs are odd in that if a guard is distracted and a guard dog is near by it'll bark and if you're within that sound radius you will be 'targeted' by the dog and found.  Even if the dog didn't smell or detect you before, just the power of it's barking is enough to tell a guard where exactly a person is within a large area of the dog.  It's no wonder why they don't just keep them barking all the time.



In some instances farsight sill just plain not work, typically this bug occurs when dealing with traps.







There have also been some problems with the guards beign hit with darts standing there instead of inspecting where the dart came from like they usually do.  Typically this occurs when clinging to the wall of a doorway and throwing a dart from the opening.




EDIT:  Been playing around with the 'Horror' mask a bit, it has some odd effects.  Mainly when you trumatize a guard they'll not consider vents as walls and endlessly walk into them (or better yet manage to get inside them) instead of turning around.  Elite guards don't get terrified but will rapidly go into a 'terrified-remove' loop for a second or two in which while no points are awarded the achievement system detects it successfully for the Gallows achievement. 


(A side note; Elite guards aren't a fun enemy, that should be worked on, neither are Stalkers but in either case the players need to have more options than run away.  In the case of the Elite's they also follow the standard trope of the big burly unarmored dudes are harder to kill than the well armored regular troops for whatever reason that may be.  I'd rather they be more difficult to kill (eg you may have to do the stealth kill swing twice AND they still make some noise) rather than requiring you to use either attack items or puzzles to kill them.)



EDIT2:  http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/504699178749643767/B4E261E123DBEB3744AA9DFCFAFE7ADDF9895388/

Found a really odd bug, a Stalked 'saw' me with a motion detector but it was through a wall and I got 'clear' before she could actually spot me.  However because it didn't trigger 'detection' she just kept 'searching' for me, for several minutes while she'd aim at where i am she'd never fire because she hadn't seen me yet.  Underlining two issues at once, the AI tracks the player directly rather than where they last saw the player when detected.  Second Detection can be bugged out.



Now on some levels that have snipers in open areas, if the sniper is not currently on the screen then you are unable to see where they are aiming, so they can see you before you can see them.  It's a rather frustrating bug.



Sometimes enemies will stand in one place and 'investigate' the tasteful floor tiling instead of investigating their source correctly.  Probably an error with "Have your budday do it" occuring without a "budday".





Aside from that the desert and toxic areas give me MASSIVE frame drops when I go into cloudy or stormy areas.  Also applies for the last level with the hallucination clouds.



Also the penalty for being detected (-800 points) is really unnecessary unless say a body is found or whatever.  You already fail to get the 3000 points for having no detections which should be punishment enough but furthermore it makes the Might costume useless because trying to melee will almost assuredly lead to a guard detection penalty.


Another thing is that when enemies are self-disposing and kill themselves or each other it still counts as a kill so say if you're playing on the desert level and a enemy blunders into a trap you knocked onto the ground to make passing by easier or what not you lose out on the no kills bonus.

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*clap*clap* Very good review!!!


It's not so much a review as observations.  Aside from this it's a delightful stealth-'em-up that doesn't suffer from too many problems plaguing the game market.  I enjoyed it a lot, but there were several small issues that dampened that enjoyment somewhat.

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It's not so much a review as observations.  Aside from this it's a delightful stealth-'em-up that doesn't suffer from too many problems plaguing the game market.  I enjoyed it a lot, but there were several small issues that dampened that enjoyment somewhat.

Ah, okay.

Good observations!

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