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Character-Specific Widget Modding.

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Can anybody help me with some coding headaches?


Here's the deal:


I'm working on a special power (a pretty cool one, actually :grin:) for my custom char, wich is like 75% finished, my only big problems are 2, a minor one, and a mayor one...


The minor one is that, even though I already have given him an extra inventory slot, AND adjusted the inventory bar scale to make them fit, while the inventory slot IS char-specific, I have no idea how to make the inventory bar scaling char-specific (wilson's inventory bar also gets scaled) , I put this code in modmain.lua:


local function inventorybarPostConstruct(self, owner)
AddClassPostConstruct("widgets/inventorybar", inventorybarPostConstruct)



The second one is much more complicated... (and I don't know if i't actually possible)


I want to make him to automatically pickup (like with the lazy forager) a certain item, and only that item... with this one I don't even know where to start the code...  :S


I just started to get used to all this coding thing, I have little lua experience, so I'm totally lost with this one...


That pretty much covers everything. Any advice?



EXTRASLOT: http://postimg.org/image/svs08k6wd/

NOSLOTSCALING: http://postimg.org/image/wy3d8ygt7/

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First problem can be solved by something like this in your post construct function:

if GetPlayer().prefab == "yourcustomcharacter" then    self.bg:SetScale(1.15,1,1)end
For the second problem, look at how the lazy forager does it (prefabs/amulet.lua's onequip_orange function).
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For the second problem, look at how the lazy forager does it (prefabs/amulet.lua's onequip_orange function).



I already guessed how to make an equippable to just pick a specific item... but I can't "import" the function to the char itself, so that HE is the one who picks items, not the equippable.

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I already guessed how to make an equippable to just pick a specific item... but I can't "import" the function to the char itself, so that HE is the one who picks items, not the equippable.

But the lazy forager already does that. The amulet creates a periodic task that runs a function that gets all entities in the area and sends them to its owner's inventory if possible. The only change you'd need to make is to do a simple entity.prefab == "thethingyouwanttopickup" when looping through the found entities.

But do you want this tied to having a certain item equipped (only picking up an item automatically if some other item is equipped), or do you want it an innate ability that the character has? If you want it an innate ability, you can just put the inst:DoPeriodicTask() inside your character's prefab's fn function.

Here's untested code of it being an innate ability (this would be in your character's prefab .lua):

local PICKUP_ITEM_CHECK_PERIOD = 0.33local PICKUP_RANGE = 4local PICKUP_ITEM_PREFAB = "youritemprefab"-- copied from amulet.lualocal function PickupEffect(inst)    local pt = inst:GetPosition()    local fx = SpawnPrefab("small_puff")    fx.Transform:SetPosition(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)    fx.Transform:SetScale(0.5,0.5,0.5)end-- copied from amulet.lualocal function getitem(player, item)    --will only ever pick up items one at a time. Even from stacks.    PickupEffect(item)    if item.components.stackable then        item = item.components.stackable:Get()    end    player.components.inventory:GiveItem(item)end-- copied from amulet.lualocal function pickup(inst)    local pt = inst:GetPosition()    local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, PICKUP_RANGE)    for k,v in pairs(ents) do        if v.prefab == PICKUP_ITEM_PREFAB then -- this can be included in the if statement below; just putting it outside of it for clarity's sake            if v.components.inventoryitem and v.components.inventoryitem.canbepickedup and v.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer and not                v.components.inventoryitem:IsHeld() then                if not owner.components.inventory:IsFull() then                    --Your inventory isn't full, you can pick something up.                    getitem(inst, v)                    return                elseif v.components.stackable then                    --Your inventory is full, but the item you're trying to pick up stacks. Check for an exsisting stack.                    --An acceptable stack should: Be of the same item type, not be full already and not be in the "active item" slot of inventory.                    local stack = owner.components.inventory:FindItem(function(item) return (item.prefab == v.prefab and not item.components.stackable:IsFull()                        and item ~= owner.components.inventory.activeitem) end)                    if stack then                        getitem(inst, v)                        return                    end                end            end        end    end    endfunction fn()	local inst = CreateEntity()	-- normal prefab initialization stuff	inst.pickuptask = inst:DoPeriodicTask( PICKUP_ITEM_CHECK_PERIOD, function() pickup(inst) end )	return instend
Ideally, you'd want to code a "telekinesis" component that has all this logic in it and then you would just add it to your character and set up an item filter for it, but for a single character mod it doesn't really matter (but the amulet should be using a component rather than local functions).
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But do you want this tied to having a certain item equipped (only picking up an item automatically if some other item is equipped), or do you want it an innate ability that the character has? If you want it an innate ability, you can just put the inst:DoPeriodicTask() inside your character's prefab's fn function


I already got to make an equippable to only pickup certain item, by adding a tag to the item, and then, the code to check for that tag, it worked like a charm.


But I want it to be an innate ability, and I just can't get that right...


Here's untested code of it being an innate ability (this would be in your character's prefab .lua)


That didn't work :|, and yeah, I want it to be an innate ability.


I tried my best to "fix" it but I'm just getting crashes after crashes.

I would like to be of more help than that but this is just not my thing...

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Alright, got the chance to test this out and fix the bugs. Also, as I've never made a character prefab before, I didn't realize that their fn function was different than other prefabs.

Here's working code (the fn function is taken from the sample character):


local PICKUP_ITEM_CHECK_PERIOD = 0.33local PICKUP_RANGE = 4local PICKUP_ITEM_PREFAB = "berries" -- copied from amulet.lualocal function PickupEffect(inst)	local pt = inst:GetPosition()	local fx = SpawnPrefab("small_puff")	fx.Transform:SetPosition(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)	fx.Transform:SetScale(0.5,0.5,0.5)end -- copied from amulet.lualocal function getitem(player, item)	--will only ever pick up items one at a time. Even from stacks.	PickupEffect(item)	if item.components.stackable then		item = item.components.stackable:Get()	end	player.components.inventory:GiveItem(item)end -- copied from amulet.lualocal function pickup(inst)	local pt = inst:GetPosition()	local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, PICKUP_RANGE) 	for k,v in pairs(ents) do		if v.prefab == PICKUP_ITEM_PREFAB then -- this can be included in the if statement below; just putting it outside of it for clarity's sake			if v.components.inventoryitem and v.components.inventoryitem.canbepickedup and v.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer and not				v.components.inventoryitem:IsHeld() then		 				if not inst.components.inventory:IsFull() then					--Your inventory isn't full, you can pick something up.					getitem(inst, v)					return		 				elseif v.components.stackable then					--Your inventory is full, but the item you're trying to pick up stacks. Check for an exsisting stack.					--An acceptable stack should: Be of the same item type, not be full already and not be in the "active item" slot of inventory.					local stack = inst.components.inventory:FindItem(function(item) return (item.prefab == v.prefab and not item.components.stackable:IsFull()					and item ~= inst.components.inventory.activeitem) end)					if stack then						getitem(inst, v)						return					end				end			end		end	end	 endlocal fn = function(inst)		-- choose which sounds this character will play	inst.soundsname = "wolfgang"	-- a minimap icon must be specified	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "wilson.png" )	inst.pickuptask = inst:DoPeriodicTask( PICKUP_ITEM_CHECK_PERIOD, function() pickup(inst) end )end
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