Map generation idea

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I have been playing the game some but watching Twitch stream more, I saw maps generated as domes with bridges connecting them. I thought that caves might be a nice change. You don't have to make a dungeon out of it just a small telep. to the connecting Island. That could open the door for some mystery.

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I have been playing the game some but watching Twitch stream more, I saw maps generated as domes with bridges connecting them.

While I have no evidence to the contrary, I'm hopeful that the stone bridges currently only exist as a beta solution to connecting the player to the islands. Maybe at some point the DEVs will change it, eliminating the bridges and adding other means to travel between islands, like a raft or boat.

I thought that caves might be a nice change. You don't have to make a dungeon out of it just a small telep. to the connecting Island. That could open the door for some mystery.

The idea of underground caverns has come up many times to date, and it's a popular idea (which may influence its inclusion into the game... who knows?). As for myself I've suggested that the entrance to caverns appear as a crevasse in the ground and that in order to enter it players need to craft a rope & grappling hook. Then using it on the crevasse with transition them to an underground chamber illuminated from above. From there they need their own light to journey deeper...

I also suggested that crevasses might exist on other islands, and thus a player could travel from one island to another using the underground caverns.

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Bridges and walkways seems ok to not get phased out. More options = more variety, reasonably.

Good to hear my ideas are not original and have flavor. It would have been a loong way up the hill to spread the idea around.

Underground areas seem that it might be easy or hard. Easy since there is no sky/ceiling to emulate. Walls could go easy depening how they are reprisented. If the camera was able to rotate for all angle access maintaining it's 2d perspective.

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