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[Mod Lore]The life of a beast

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This is a short compilation of stories behind the characters in A mod I'm making


Bored with the flying success of Wilson and the other pretenders, Maxwell turns his attention back to the world he created and the beasts that dwell within. He looked far and wide, He saw the Beefalo, Hardy but simple beasts; Spiders, loyal, fierce, and vastly territorial; He looked for the wary Koalaphant, timid but potent; he even deigned to look at his most fearsome subject, the reclusive Deerclops. He saw in them a new potential, and combined that spark that drew him to bring Wilson and his fellow survivors into this realm, and the outlandishness in his less than perfect subjects.

Chapter 1: Fine grass

Wellington was a Beefalo, not anything unique, or special, just a simple cud chewing beast of the plains. It was almost mating season, and he had had his eye on Buuba, a lovely specimen. In traditional Beefalo fashion, he meandered his way over to Buuba, and struck up lively conversation.

"Fine grass today, get any bugs in yours?" Wellington Mooed. Buuba did not answer him. "I particularly like the Tenta-pedes, they give the grass a surprising crunchiness." Buuba still did not respond. It was customary for a beefalo to make his presence felt, if a potential suitor did not notice him, then he did not mate that season. "I hear Melloo is planning on starting his own herd, it seems silly doesn't it? How can he start a herd without a mate?"

"Did you want something?" Buuba finally said, at this Wellington Perked up seeing hope for his first mating season.

"Yes, I was wondering if you had any plans this mating season?" He asked slyly, as he passed a particularly juicy cut of grass towards Buuba.

"I'm not mating this month" Buuba replied. With this remark Wellington was shattered, if a beefalo declared that they would not mate, it was final. He stumbled back to his half of the herd, hearing the Jeers of Buuba's companions he just kept walking, oblivious to having passed his herd.

He was assayed by a short thin Pig with paler flesh and unusual hair, who decided to make Wellington his pet for a time. Soon after wave after wave of hounds descended upon the hairy pigs home, leaving Wellington alone again. He decided to sleep early that day. He woke up the next morning staring at the sky, and heard a voice. "Say pal..."

Before he could see who it was the voice left, Wellington stood up... 'Wait? Stood up?' Thought wellington, he looked down and say that he no longer walked along all fours, his fore hooves had become large nubby hands, his perspective seemed shorter, and he was feeling an odd craving for more than grass or mating. He set out to follow some of what he had seen his late Pig friend do, he hoped to make sense of it all.

"You look much better," the voice said once more, as wellington walked out of earshot "oh, and one more thing, good luck surviving without meat."

Edited by Gotheran
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That's cool!I wanted to let you know I am working on him. I wanted to have him done yesterday but I was having an issue with the alignment of his head with his horns. I'm going to work on him some more today but I wanted to let you know I'll have him ready as soon as I can.(Hopefully it'll be rainy all day so these blasted customers will go away and leave me alone, hahahaha)

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That's cool!I wanted to let you know I am working on him. I wanted to have him done yesterday but I was having an issue with the alignment of his head with his horns. I'm going to work on him some more today but I wanted to let you know I'll have him ready as soon as I can.(Hopefully it'll be rainy all day so these blasted customers will go away and leave me alone, hahahaha)

You must work in a print shop or office supply store or something like that. lol
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