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The Hit Streak Masteries are extremely unfun.

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So I am working on getting the Masteries for all the weapons, as one would expect. However the Masteries for the hitstreaks are difficult to the point of anger. Multiple times I have wanted to actually break something. I haven't had this feeling since I stopped playing online card games. So why are they aggravating?

1) They punish upgrading your weapons: The less damage you do, the more hits are required to actually kill a mob. More hits = Higher streak.

2) You cannot see your masteries mid run: Some times especially with the Hit Streak ones, you forget what exactly you have to do to achieve it.

3) Hit Streaks are far too short: At least for the Striker and the Cannon, I find that if I take ANY time repositioning to avoid damage I will lose my streak. It feels like I have to gamble with keeping my streak going or getting hit to lose my streak since if I move even a little bit.

4) The complexities of the Masteries: I get it, they are called Mastery after all. But good god, 30 hit streak (already difficult if even possible against some enemies), in addition to doing 2 separate objectives, all while avoiding damage and taking too long in between attacks.

5) You need to do it 10 times: Given how difficult it is to complete these Hit Streak Masteries, when I got it once I felt great, only to be greeted with 1/10 which immediately made me alt f4 in frustration because of how long it took for me to even get the 1.

Maybe this is a simple case of "Git gud" but idk. I want to have fun and see the possibility of getting difficult tasks completed, not just spend hours focusing on a certain task just so I can finish it.

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It does get frustrating, the weapons with prolonged hit streak decay help with that. But especially annoying is striker, which I try to use as a ranged weapon most of the time requiring me to come into the swarm and start slapping. I only got like 2 of these before stopping doing runs dedicated solely to completing masteries because I got bored and wanted to play normally

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2 hours ago, Evelo said:

Maybe this is a simple case of "Git gud" but idk. I want to have fun and see the possibility of getting difficult tasks completed, not just spend hours focusing on a certain task just so I can finish it.


I think this is indeed a skill issue. However, you do have a lot of good points. Going through some of your points,

1) I think the game rewards you for challenging higher frenzy levels rather than punishing you for upgrading your weapons. If the enemies are too weak to live a combo, why not make the enemies harder? If the enemies are too hard to beat, fair enough, I understand.
I've found more success getting my hit streaks on the bosses (and minibosses) than on the regular mobs, so you may have to adjust your approach. If one approach doesn't work, try another.

2) Yeah, I agree completely. Having a way to see your masteries during a run would be way less frustrating than going back just to check what you need to do or your progress.

3) I think Klei should make the combo last a little bit longer before ending. There's only enough time to get one light attack in after dodging to keep up your streak (at least with the spear), and a little more leeway would make the game more enjoyable.

As a tip, I suggest looking for the dice power (every attack hit does an additional hit of 1-6 damage once (or twice at max level)); this makes it much easier to complete hit streak masteries as each dice proc counts towards the streak. I finished the 100-hit streak mastery, among many others, in one gaming session vs the Owlitzer and Mother Treek. This trick works with the Spear (I used it myself) and the Striker (my brother completed all of his masteries with it); however, I can't confirm for the Hammer or Cannon, although I believe it would also work.

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If you play your cards right against most bosses you'll be able to cheese in a good hitstreak with enough agility and speed, i've gotten a 100 hitstreak by just dash attacking some bosses in co-op. However i use the spear so this is 100 times easier. Even without the spear mini bosses are usually the best way to get hit streaks.

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I absolutely agree, the rots should all have like 1.5x more health. Everything else is a skill issue, I'd even add that striker and cannon were the easiest to get 50 hit streak mastery.

Quick rise for the cannon tho, that's an awful one to get, like if I get hit and fall that means I didn't have ammo to dodge the attack so I can't quick rise after, if I had ammo to quick rise I would just dodge and not get hit. 

9 hours ago, BezKa said:

It does get frustrating, the weapons with prolonged hit streak decay help with that. But especially annoying is striker, which I try to use as a ranged weapon most of the time requiring me to come into the swarm and start slapping. I only got like 2 of these before stopping doing runs dedicated solely to completing masteries because I got bored and wanted to play normally

An easy way is to go to the bog to fight the enigmox, stand next to him, throw both balls and just spam light attack, if you weave in some dodges to not get hit you'll get 50 hit streak in seconds. Bonus points if you have electric powers. 

A more fun way is to run the grove in higher frenzy levels so you have fewer but big enemies compared to swarms of dashing critters (it's probably not as bad after the update) and just juggle the balls between them, preferably with the groak hat for the hitstun 

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15 hours ago, Qiel said:


So just get lucky? That is not good game design. I am okay with it being a skill issue (even though it is still unfun) but idk. That makes it even less enjoyable. I don't think I have even seen that power yet.

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