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Chest upgrades should be more accessible

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The problem (TL;DR at the end)

I echo the sentiment that storage space shouldn't be such a late game luxury. Farming for chests is grindy sure, tedious even, however the biggest issue is they take up so much space (for what, more rocks?). So much base realstate is taken up by chests! And so much can only fit within a fling-o before you need another, and another, and... And so on and so forth for other similar mechanics (canopy/oasis/etc)

Is storage so overpowered it needs to be a late game option?

A solution

I normally try to steer clear from offering a solution so as to not give the impression that this thread is for a suggestion (for an item) rather than presenting a problem. However this might be the only solution.


Give scaled chests a unique upgrade separate from normal chests. A cheaper one that doesn't require farming Celestial Champion.

Scaled chests are generally more expensive as it is. The cost upgrade just needs to be expensive enough to not overshadow the 5 enlightenment shards you get from one crown but cheap enough that it's not so late game.

If you have an idea post it below :D.

Edited by HowlVoid
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Maybe just make scaled chests able to hold bigger stacks of stuff as a baseline? 200 items a stack, or 5x whatever the item's max stack size is. This would actually make them useful to me, personally. I never bother making them because they just take up extra space for a slight storage upgrade and protection from burning, the latter of which is better handled with regular chests and a flingo imo.

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8 minutes ago, Faintly Macabre said:

Maybe just make scaled chests able to hold bigger stacks of stuff as a baseline? 200 items a stack, or 5x whatever the item's max stack size is. This would actually make them useful to me, personally. I never bother making them because they just take up extra space for a slight storage upgrade and protection from burning, the latter of which is better handled with regular chests and a flingo imo.

That could work, I like it! 

Although it's confirmed the team is already working on scaled chest upgrade art... Not sure what the chances are of them just scraping that whole concept... 

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Bumping. I expected the chest upgrade to be a pretty advanced craft, but crown shards is just so impractical and I am dying for a less powerful but more practical alternative. Storage management in this game is just aggressively un-fun to me.

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Some possible ideas I had for what could drop the scaled chest upgrade, if it's different than tall chests:

  1. Make Scrap Pig drop a single upgrader for scaled chests. I presume that will be on a timed respawn. This would make it more limited than eventually making normal Tall Chests (only limited by your CC kills), but feasible to get one early game if you rush it, or collect them slowly over time.
  2. Make Ancient Guardian drop it, or make its horn part of the recipe for the scaled chest upgrade. You could get it in a ruins rush, but you couldn't get another one until you could kill Fuelweaver. And even then, you'd only get one every 20 days.
  3. Make it take a Shadow Atrium? Though then you'd have to remove the kill a billion Shadow Knights exploits. I always wondered why this exploit wasn't removed, seems easy enough to do by just letting Shadow Knights walk on water.
  4. Have Dragonfly a special item to upgrade a scaled chest, but only if you kill her "legit". An easy test for this could be if you kill a percentage of her spawned lavae, instead of letting them time out on walls built around the lava pond like most people do.
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