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Issue with the vibe of Wurt's gameplay

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A big issue with Wurt is the vibe her gameplay gives off.

Pigmen are created with the thought that they cannot be truly intelligent, as the player must feel alone. Merms are really similar to pigmen, just with added rock mining and better stats.

The only character who can understand them is Wurt, who still only uses them only as weapons and for laboring.

I feel like Wurt's gameplay should resemble Hamlet more closely, where you actually build a miniature merm society.

Maybe Wurt could even make her own currency or something. The currency can be used to trade with merms (the trader huts are expensive ONE TIME builds for wurt), this would most likely add a fun side quest to her character, becoming a businesswoman.

Her motto is essentially "I have plans for merm society and i hate pigs.", right now the plans are just making better versions of the same merm and a king who boosts your stats, lets you get gold and some resources and combusts when you dont feed him.

What else do you think would improve Wurt's atmosphere or gameplay? Because right now it's dreadful.

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11 hours ago, marshyds said:

Pigmen are created with the thought that they cannot be truly intelligent

But... they are. The build roads, implying trade, they have a king and thus are governed by a monarch, they have formed a society consisting of villages and they have names. All the pigs you've murdered had names.

...and we skin them then destroy their houses, just to build shiny weapons and armor, to have another chest where we can store our spoils, to make another crockpot where we can cook their meat to further exemplify our superiority. Sometimes, we build pig farms, internment camps for those of them who are easily controlled, who will go to the slaughterhouse every full moon without a care in the world... just so we can coldheartedly murder them and turn their skin into fashion accessories.

Holy ******* ****, DST is one dark ******* game.

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2 hours ago, DinsdaleP said:

But... they are. The build roads, implying trade, they have a king and thus are governed by a monarch, they have formed a society consisting of villages and they have names. All the pigs you've murdered had names.

the "hallmark of civilization" is true, but we get no example of them being intelligent or doing trade anywhere other than hamlet (correct me if im wrong).

is it possible that the dst pig "villages" are whats LEFT of hamlet cities?

pigmen don't really exhibit intelligent actions: they try to 1v10 spiders, eat anything off the floor, have basic grammar and language and are irrationally afraid of the dark, even though they don't get hurt by it.

guard pigs are similar, where they just worship some totems and their king next to resources and punch most things. however it may be a cult or a primitive tribe.



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I genuinely could not disagree more. Truly.

I consider Wurt to be one of the most exciting and interesting characters because she has a private goal that she can work toward, which gives many tangible benefits; not just for her, but for literally every player in that world. It feels like actually making an interesting and unique impact on the way the world functions.

To be honest, I would love for more characters to have a personal "questline," for lack of a better word. To me, it's a much more organic way to create character growth during a playthrough than getting fed a point on a skill tree once the timer on it goes ding.

I'm just gonna say it: Wurt is one of the best-designed characters in the entire game and should be the standard for how characters should be built.

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7 hours ago, Ryusuta said:

I consider Wurt to be one of the most exciting and interesting characters because she has a private goal that she can work toward, which gives many tangible benefits; not just for her, but for literally every player in that world. It feels like actually making an interesting and unique impact on the way the world functions.

my main idea is that the private goal should be expanded upon, because right now its basically build similar structures like 20 times, use them the same way as pigs and keep big merm fed.

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