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Remove the button for showing ignored content


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Currently if you ignore a user there's still a button allowing you to show the blocked content, which is just tempting and curiosity kills the cat:-?

Please add the option to hide that as well

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Hey there, 

I have had this request a few times, but this setup this way because other people might be engaged in conversation with your ignored user and it might be necessary for you to understand that context in certain cases without having to remove somebody from the ignore list. 

Adding the option to remove this function just replaces one problem with another so I don't think I would change this for everybody. 

However, you could use something in your browser to block those page elements. The following is an example of using a cosmetic filter in Ublock Origin to hide those elements.


Adding this line to the filter list would make it so you cannot see the option to unhide any ignored users post. 


Adding this line to the filter list will make it so your ignored user comments will be hidden entirely. But again, this could lead to a lot of confusion.
You would need to add a line for each ignored user.  


Adding this line (instead of the previous line) would make it so you can see that your ignored user was quoted, but you will be unable to see what they said.


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