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Right now the Fuelweaver fight is really annoying solo and the fact that people would rather cheese him really shows.

One of the more annoying aspects is his spammed attack, which makes him invulnerable and often lets him heal.

Currently, to counter this, you must destroy both vowen shadows and night lights. This can be really annoying alone.

What if instead of doing two things at once, Fuelweaver was just invincible WHILE the shadow maggots are alive? This makes killing them a single action while still making fuelweaver invincible. Fuelweaver would heal from shadows like normal.

I think this could make it way more bearable with a simple brightshade staff.



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that would be bad because atm the fight can be done solo with only sanity food, insanity food, healing, armor and a weapon, no need to simplify the fight further, it'll be boring if it'll be too easy, most people cheese him either because they're bad or they already did the fight normally once and they do cheese to save time

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5 hours ago, grm9 said:

that would be bad because atm the fight can be done solo with only sanity food, insanity food, healing, armor and a weapon, no need to simplify the fight further, it'll be boring if it'll be too easy, most people cheese him either because they're bad or they already did the fight normally once and they do cheese to save time

ok, heres an alternative idea.

make both similar to the krampus spawns in the klaus fight, where its a certain number per player.

so you dont have to deal with too many night lights and vowen shadows when alone.

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2 minutes ago, marshyds said:

ok, heres an alternative idea.

make both similar to the krampus spawns in the klaus fight, where its a certain number per player.

so you dont have to deal with too many night lights and vowen shadows when alone

that would be bad because atm the fight can be done solo with only sanity food, insanity food, healing, armor and a weapon, no need to simplify the fight further, it'll be boring if it'll be too easy

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Yeah I agree. I always fought Fuelweaver with other players pretty much on same level, and its way easier. But I have been trying to solo him for weeks now, and its truly such an annoying fight to do solo. You panic half a second and the guy enters "the loop" which basically makes him invincible while also healing all his life back. I watched lots of tutorials, tried a **** ton of times on my own, tries with both pre-rift and post-rift items. I even went god mode so I could practice the whole mechanic ...and he still randomly enters "the loop".


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The tendency of "write a topic asking for nerfs" instead of learning via rollbacks to fight a boss is scary

Is Fw hard? Yeah but is also true that you get too much benefits for defeating him

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