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ToolsNotIncluded not anymore?

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Dear All,

I'd like to start game again and I'd like to choose some specific map with specific traits and features.

I used to use Seed Browser in ToolsNotIncluded dot net. However, I see that page is not available anymore. Search engine here on forum gives barely any results. Were they banned? Anything specific happened? Do we have any alternatives?

Best regards,

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All the accumulated world data was recently lost due to a error in communication with the server host.

things that are not reliant on that data (like the world trait finder) still work from the archived version of it: https://web.archive.org/web/20230322215327/https://toolsnotincluded.net/map-tools/world-trait-finder


website wise, there is no full alternative for all the features,

on the mod side, the best approximation of it would be ClusterGenerationManager[CGM] + CustomizeGeysers, CGM to preselect traits & starmap and customize geysers to get the desired geysers by morphing

geysers are sadly too deeply baked into the worldgen to create a preview for them

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