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Try checking your anim files in your character's anim folder to check that your character's anim file is correctly named, and also check your prefab to make sure the asset is being called under the correct name. The code you're looking for should be at the top.


local MakePlayerCharacter = require "prefabs/player_common"

local assets = {
    Asset("SCRIPT", "scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua"),
	Asset("ANIM", "anim/junebug.zip"),

For some reason the forum's code viewer automatically places the second asset slightly to the right of the top one, you don't need to do that. They should be uniform beneath one another. Hope this helps!

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There are two possible problems that you could check out. First one could be broken code in the character's prefab file. If you modified any of the character's data in that file, it could cause problems. The fix for this would be to just remove/edit the problem code and test it then. Another problem could be missing or otherwise incorrectly called assets. Perhaps check the modmain.lua file and check if your PrefabFiles and Assets are listed. It should look something like this:

PrefabFiles = {

Assets = {
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/saveslot_portraits/junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/saveslot_portraits/junebug.xml" ),

    Asset( "IMAGE", "images/selectscreen_portraits/junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/selectscreen_portraits/junebug.xml" ),
    Asset( "IMAGE", "images/selectscreen_portraits/junebug_silho.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/selectscreen_portraits/junebug_silho.xml" ),

    Asset( "IMAGE", "bigportraits/junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "bigportraits/junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/map_icons/junebug.tex" ),
	Asset( "ATLAS", "images/map_icons/junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/avatar_junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/avatar_junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/avatar_ghost_junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/avatar_ghost_junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/self_inspect_junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/self_inspect_junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/names_junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/names_junebug.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/names_gold_junebug.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/names_gold_junebug.xml" ),


AddModCharacter("junebug", "MALE", skin_modes) --If the gender is incorrect, you can just change "MALE" to "FEMALE".
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Okay, I was able to fix the problem. For some reason the auto compiler wasn't creating anim files for your character. I decided it would be easier to manually copy the data over to a newer prefab character than to try fiddling with something the compiler didn't want to work with. After doing so, (and also fixing the gold names) I got the character to run in-game. I saw that you also had some perks in mind with the character. If you need any help with coding the character itself, I'd be happy to lend a hand wherever I can. Good luck with the rest of the mod!junebug.zip

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