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Some thoughts on the beta critter traps

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For context I haven’t made it past mid-late game yet.

A way to prevent duplicants from immediately attempting to move trapped critters would be appreciated. I am excited by the prospect of using airborne critter traps to reliably use lightbugs as a stationary light source, but having any available critter drop offs make this difficult to do since they immediately get taken away.

On the topic of airborne traps allowing them to be placed on a ceiling or wall would be neat. Simply because using them as lamps would make it look cool.

Giving critter traps the option to kill critters would also be nice (Maybe a different type of trap?). I dislike how clunky drowning chambers are and as far as I know there aren’t many realistic options for auto-killing Pacus.

Some options to distinguish between age/critter species would also be very helpful. There isn’t a reliable way to track that currently and I would like to be able to.


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2 hours ago, ButterStuffed said:

A way to prevent duplicants from immediately attempting to move trapped critters would be appreciated. I am excited by the prospect of using airborne critter traps to reliably use lightbugs as a stationary light source, but having any available critter drop offs make this difficult to do since they immediately get taken away.

I haven't tried the new critter traps but if you don't set any drop-off available, dupe should not move the trapped critters away asap. I expected the behavior should be similar to wrangle the critters without drop-offs?

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16 hours ago, DolphinWing said:

I haven't tried the new critter traps but if you don't set any drop-off available, dupe should not move the trapped critters away asap. I expected the behavior should be similar to wrangle the critters without drop-offs?

Yes, it works just like that.

I was able to make a somewhat convoluted mechatronics system to drop shine bug eggs into rooms with less than the amount that I wanted, but it is annoying that I have to remove critter drop offs for it to function as I want. 

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