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Hello everyone!

First, I am relatively new to ONI (some months) and I like this game a lot. 

However, I noticed a few issues that I think are harming the gameplay experience.

One of these issues are the storage bins. It seems accepted in the ONI community to not use them and to just use the automatic dispenser and "store" literally all materials in a small square of like one meter side length. This is totally immersion breaking and it undermines the whole idea of storage management and all that is usually required for that in real life. This is clearly an exploit of a game mechanic, and it is ridiculing the ONI experience. 

No, it is not realistic and not fun to compress literally hundreds of tons of different solid materials into a small square. Have you ever seen anything like that in real life? Of course not. Because it is not possible. 

One way to avoid this problem is to provide incentives to use the storage bins. For example, a bonus to morale good be added if 70% of all materials are stored in proper storage bins, and a higher morale bonus if it is 90%. Also, if a those percentages are stored, an overall speed bonus of 10% and 15%, respectively, good be provided to the dupes. The reasoning behind that might be that it is easier to walk, move, and work if the floors are not littered with materials/objects.

Whatever the reasoning behind that is, I think it is required that the storage bins get a buff, in whatever way. There are many possible options for that. 

I guess the developers of ONI are clever enough to find a good solution. And I hope they will. 

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20 hours ago, Henlikuoth said:

No, it is not realistic and not fun to compress literally hundreds of tons of different solid materials into a small square. Have you ever seen anything like that in real life? Of course not. Because it is not possible. 

There are hidden 3rd dimension, visible by duplicants but not by player

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lol, yeah, I guess so. They might have opened a secret invisible portal to another dimension where they can store all.

But seriously, this is, honestly, demotivating. I am giving feedback as a player. I hope the ONI developer team will find a good solution soon.

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