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Feedback to replace Alchemy tree talent with Innovation talent

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My feedback is to replace Alchemy talent with Innovation Talent with 3 paths as well (please refer to attached pic). In short :
1. Combat Innovation : unlock 6 recipes for new combat equipments
2. Survival Innovation : unlock 7 recips for helping survival in winter / summer / prevent death
3. Utility Innovation : unlock 6 recipes that can be useful not only for Wilson but other players as well 

The reason for making this "innovation" tree is because it's more in line with Wilson's characteristic (ambitious scientist but sometimes clumsy). I also choose the recipes' ingredients to encourage the players to try farming / simply make the survival easier so they don't have to do the same thing over and over only to survive. Aside from adding more fun in learning DST, this innovation Tree talent also very useful when playing with other players. Yes it's OP in some way, but this is just the rough idea of what I think could make DST more fun for new players so they dont stop playing too soon before finding out the whole gold mine of DST world :)

Thanks for reading this far haha, btw I also added the drawing of the new items that Wilson can make , to have the idea how it looks in DST , lemme know if you have any question :)

btw here's my reason why changing AlchemyTree talent


- Alchemy talent : 
1. Gem transmute is not very effective because for beginner/ new player, they won't use much of transmuting gems that only useful with magic tab / ruins rushing (which new player will not do until able to survive winter / knowing basic game mechanic + cave & ruins mechanic)
2. Meat / icky transmute is creative, but not very important / useful aside from turning extra morsels into meat for meaty stew , and we dont have much use for bone shards aside from Eyebrella for spring. Manure / beefalo wool isn't that much needed and easy to get as well.
3. Ore transmute :  I personally think marble is more scarce than moon rock and more useful as well (marble suit is good alternative when lacking night armor / thulecite suit). Also i'm not sure that Wilson can "change" a mineral from Nitre to Gold , like, without a laboratory equipment? is he using magic?


Combat innovation.jpg

Survival innovation.jpg

Utility Innovation.jpg




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55 minutes ago, Dragonboooorn said:

Huh. Perfectly explained reasons to add such items, good ideas and even concept arts.

Yeah, I agree on point that Wilson due to his past survival experience should have unique survival gear, thanks to experience and his innovator nature

Heyy thanks for the feedback Dragonboooorn :D yeahh hopefully Devs consider our point :D

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The idea is interesting, but it is more suitable for Winona, who currently has no useful inventions except the catapult. Wilson is primarily an alchemist-scientist. And the mechanics of creating other items from one item does not make it stronger, but it greatly increases its usefulness.

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3 minutes ago, GodIess said:

The idea is interesting, but it is more suitable for Winona, who currently has no useful inventions except the catapult. Wilson is primarily an alchemist-scientist. And the mechanics of creating other items from one item does not make it stronger, but it greatly increases its usefulness.

It seems to me that Winona's inventions should be more technological while Wilson's inventions are more magical and with pros and cons because Wilson is a sloppy scientist

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- Tower of pain can be made to rotate around an axis and inflict AoE damage to everyone who passes by.
- Tool box would add 6 slots, but it cannot be taken into inventory, only carried in hands, or opened as a chest
- Trap hole, thanks to the mechanism, sticks out spikes and slows down the enemy

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1 hour ago, GodIess said:

The idea is interesting, but it is more suitable for Winona, who currently has no useful inventions except the catapult. Wilson is primarily an alchemist-scientist. And the mechanics of creating other items from one item does not make it stronger, but it greatly increases its usefulness.

Ahh i see, i think the difference is Winona's creations are more into structure-style? But yeah I can see your point bro Godless :D (btw i do hope they reworked winona too in the future haha)


1 hour ago, GodIess said:

- Tower of pain can be made to rotate around an axis and inflict AoE damage to everyone who passes by.
- Tool box would add 6 slots, but it cannot be taken into inventory, only carried in hands, or opened as a chest
- Trap hole, thanks to the mechanism, sticks out spikes and slows down the enemy

-Tower of Pain Heyy that's a great idea! making several tower of pain as defense against hounds / group of mobs, man that's so cool! :D

-Toolbox : ahh yes making it to be only hand-carry makes it more following logic (a big tool box for all our survival needs! No more messy scattered tools in our inventory!)

-Trap hole : oh yeahh, similar like tooth trap but with slow down effect :D will be useful to buy sometime against Varglet or Varg :)

Thanks bro Godless for the feedback, much appreciated! :D

1 hour ago, DimaH20 said:

It seems to me that Winona's inventions should be more technological while Wilson's inventions are more magical and with pros and cons because Wilson is a sloppy scientist

Yes DimaH20 I was thinking to add some negative effect for Wilson's invention because he is sloppy, but then it might somehow hurt / put newbie players in dangerous situation (example : was thinking to make DuriBat to have 5% chance to hit Wilson himself for 5 damage, since the durian thorns might break off, but then, its risky for newbies, since we want new players to grasp the basic of the game quicker haha) 

We have the same thinking XD

1 hour ago, DimaH20 said:

I like these ideas, they are even reinforced by the fact that some things in the game created Wilson such as Meat Effigy and Telltale Heart

Yeah Wilson seems so cute and sloppily-naive for me, it was his "passionate but sloppy scientist" atitude that made me thought of all this weird inventions haha XD

Thanks for sharing DimaH20 :D

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