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Ocuvigil + Telefocus combined structure.

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Make it so that you could place an ocuvigil with the telefocus or next to it and be able to select while holding onto a staff on the map that you want to go to that specific active focus. Best solo transportation if you don't have Wanda, good use to keep and want purple gems all the time, less annoying random teleportation to get to far specific locations like moon island, desert, dragonfly and others. PLEEAASE KLEI! Consider :( People keep tossing purple gems away as garbage and I'm the only one that's using them and it a little bit annoys me how wasteful it feels for both not have good uses for them in singleplayer nor having any cause people often throw them away xd

The structure is so built like a utility transporter for mobs while is mostly for singleplayer purpose of travel often. People don't even use so I believe it needs some upgrade or buff to be more functional. Or add some kind of moon lense upgrade it could have embedded into it's base or ground.

Anything works cause I suggested many times and Wanda isn't a solution for me since I don't like playing her that much ;-; Wortox is fine but I still wanna have better instant transportation that uses magic resources and not a beefalo. Deserters don't do well if people or friends aren't around.

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