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Mushroom planter fertilization

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Since composting exists I feel like I'd want THAT to be the way to replenish the logs now instead of living logs. The use of them is very expensive and generally the outcome you get from mushroom planters is underwhelming yields compared to anything that costs less effort.

I think Shroom planters needs a buff to that. Also to maybe make the huge yields during the specific mushroom favorite seasons instead of using spores. Spores could be a thing forced on their non fav seasons to grow huge yields.

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I agree. There are some tricks to acquire the materials (amass light bulbs and feed part of them to a werepig), but the living logs make them expensive and not too viable as an early game source of healing or sanity. It's much easier to just dig up blue caps for a ruins rush and lategame there are better healing options, so mushroom planters are just in an awkward spot. Changing the requirements to boards and manure instead of living logs would make them an interesting option for ruins strategies, since splumonkeys give you manure.

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