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[Suggestion] Make barnacles use the fast-eat animation.

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A very small and minute suggestion from yours truly, but still something I would like to see. I would appreciate if barnacles used the quick-eat animation when consuming them. Currently because they are a meat item they use the long grueling one second eating animation. Considering how tiny barnacles are compared to other meat foods, I think it would be a nice small QoL if they instead made the player use the quick-eat animation when consuming.

The Shipwrecked DLC already did this for it's own limpets meat item, so I think it would be nice to see the same done here.

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It depends. I feel Barnacles should be allowed to be stored in the Tin Fishin' Bin (since they are animals) however the suggestion to make them veggies considering their origin in the constant makes sense but would turn off the potential for the Tin Fishin' Bin. Either way having them have short consumption times would also be beneficial since they are rarely used (afaik). As a Wormwood main (yes I say it every single time idc), I gather tons and tons of barnacles, using them mid fight for hunger restoration would be neat.

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