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Lets talk about big Woby speed.

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Woby can turn into a big Woby, ak reeskin of a beefalo, but one difference she has is that she will change her speed depending on her hunger, it looks cool right? Until you see that big Woby will not be at full speed most of the time. She has 50 hunger, if she loses 16 hunger she will lose his max speed, and if she loses 1 more hunger she can be even more slow. The thing that makes this worse is that Walter take the damage instead of Woby, so you have to kite, but it can be very risky because she will change her speed faster that you think. So there are some of my solutions:

  • Increase her max hunger, so it takes longer to lose her speed, like 50 to 70.
  • Delete her medium velocity, so we have the fast Woby more time until she becomes the slowest one.


  • Add the beefalo animation that they use asking for food to Woby to know that she isn't at full speed:


I really want to know what do you think about it, thanks for your time.

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i actually wanted to make a thread about this sometime ago. 

and i completely agree, it would be incredibly nice if she had more max hunger! something like 75 would suffice. 

if not from the start, then at least in a form of an upgrade of sorts(sorry in advance for going slightly off track) 

so, a while ago i had a small idea for Walter and Woby: upgrades to her bag. and since now recepies can contain up to different 4 resources, i updated some recepies. 

the reason i thought it would be nice to have, is Woby gradually becoming less needed as you progress. now, it's alright for some perks of a character to be more early game oriented, but Woby is not just a perk, she's the trusty companion of Walter! so, i think if we could "upgrade" her as we progress, she'd be slightly more involved in Walter's mid-late game. of course, it doesn't have to stop at her storage capabilities either, but i don't have much other ideas. 


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