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Walter’s slowdown rounds should increase attack delay of mobs

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This has been suggested a few times prior, but I really like the idea of it and I think it would help this ammo type considerably.

ATM, Walter’s slowdown rounds reduce the movement speed of mobs by 33% for 30 seconds. While it’s certainly noticeable (especially for the ancient guardian and the celestial champion), it’s not a huge boon for a majority of the mobs in the game as they normally don’t move a lot when kiting them and tanking them causes them to not move much at all. 

Attack speed slowdowns have been tried before in SW with the poison spear. It (along with a number of other nice effects) increased the attack delay of mobs, which made them attack slower. This allows players to sneak in 1-2 extra hits in a majority of kiting Windows (including exceptionally tough ones like krampus), and also reduced the total amount of damage you took when tanking. I feel Walter having this on slowdown rounds would make them significantly more powerful, as it would be an excellent support round for a majority of combat scenarios and would help justify the 1 purple gem and 1 moonrock needed to craft the ammo.

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