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How can we improve dedicated server performance?

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Hello! I am hosting a dedicated server off of a google cloud linux ubuntu VM (4 vCPU cores, 16gb RAM) and it still struggles to host our server when there is frog rain, lots of people, someone running through a bee biome, and just generally in a high day count world. Is there anything I can do to improve the performance? The CPU usage never goes past 50% and ram usage is at around 20-40% constantly so I don't think the hardware is at fault. I'm not sure what is bottle necking our performance. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone else uses knows a good host that doesn't have these issues I would be open to switching. Thanks!

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The bottleneck here is that each Server shard (Master, Caves) can only properly utilize one CPU core.

Since by default there's two shards, utilizing two CPU cores from a total of four you'll have your 50% CPU usage "limit".

I'd assume the most likely underlying problem is that you are using a VM with shared CPUs, so other prople's VMs might run on the same cores, essentially making you share the CPU's performance.

Usually you can select dedicated CPU cores or something on that line to not share them. (Ofc, eventually with enough stuff going on, even that hits the limit.)

Otherwise you can try reducing the amount of clutter going on, such as pieces of rot or stingers lying around, so at least the frogs have enough CPU power left to hop around.

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7 minutes ago, Daniel86268 said:

The bottleneck here is that each Server shard (Master, Caves) can only properly utilize one CPU core.


That would explain a lot. I'll look into upgrading the CPU cores instead of getting more of them, lol. Thanks a bunch.

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