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My list of very important QoL suggestions

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  • 1) Setting to enable/disable AUTO-COMPLETE for console.
  • 2) Separate INSANITY volume from AMBIENT volume sounds.
  • 3) Setting that both DISABLES pop-up dialogue when entering an OFFLINE world and entering the game when DATA COLLECTION is disabled.
  • 4) Individual settings to disable the tree leaves effect and light rays effect of the canopy biome.
  • 5) Setting to disable the game from disabling all your mods when it crashes.
  • 6) V



  • 2) Raise max player count from 6 to 12 (6 can be default), but allow going up to 12.
  • 3) Get Mods: The "Get Mods" tab in Mods when you're in your world settings is horrible and useless. It always ONLY shows the top most-popular mods on the workshop and that's ALL... Either make it actually show the top-rated weekly/monthly mods or remove it because as it is now it's worthless since it never seems to update or show anything new and interesting.
  • 4) Add hover info for settings then new players can know exactly what they do. (ADDED)
  • 5) Random SeasonsRandom seasons option in world gen settings should actually make it each the time the season occurs it will be random instead of only being randomized once upon the world's creation.
  • 6) OFFLINE DLC CHARACTERS: Allow playing DLC characters while offline, characters are a very important part of the game and aren't aesthetic only like skins so not being able to play them at all times when you own them devalues them by a lot and is not nice at all, imagine how awful SW and HAM DLC would've been for DS if you could only use them while online... just because DST is an online-oriented game doesn't excuse making the offline play a worse experience.
  • 7) Allow players to go back to the main menu when the game gives a client crashes instead of being forced to disable mods or exit the game.
  • 8) V
  • 9) V



  • 1) Structure Placement: The structure placement in this game is annoying when you have do to things like place an icebox first then put crockpots after, this should be fixed up to not be annoying anymore.
  • 2) Silent Pets: Add a way to make pets not be annoying little dastards constantly whining for food every few minutes.



  • 1) Mod Presets: Allow players to create mod collection/presets to enable a batch of mods all at once.
  • 2) World Seeds: Allow players to generate the same worlds without the need of a mod like Gem Core.
  • 3) Emote Wheel: Add a feature like the Gesture Wheel mod for preforming emotes easily and efficiently.
  • 4) Allow mod characters to actually utilize their "saveslot_portraits": It's unfair for vanilla characters to have this basic feature while mod characters can't even though a massive portion of the DST workshop is dedicated to mod characters.
  • 5) Add setting in world generation for changing a day's total day time: The default day being 8 minutes, it would be nice to have a setting to change it to 4/10/16/20/30 minutes, ect.
  • 6) Random Day Cycle Length: I think it would be fun if there was a random option for the day cycle length instead of just having the option to choose which cycle is shorter or longer. This would mean every day the day cycles are randomized, it could be pretty fun!


That's all for now, will update when more parts of the game annoy me :D!

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7 hours ago, . . . said:



7 hours ago, . . . said:

1) Structure Placement: The structure placement in this game is annoying when you have do to things like place an icebox first then put crockpots after, this should be fixed up to not be annoying anymore.


7 hours ago, . . . said:

2) World Seeds: Allow players to generate the same worlds without the need of a mod like Gem Core.

i liked all the suggestions but i want to remark these 3. Should be in the game many time ago

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