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The perils of transit tube renovations.

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Ever wonder what happens if a dupe deconstructs a transit tube the very instant another one is using it?


Worry not, Catalina is alright.

Catalina got stuck in limbo right after her tube got deconstructed right in time for her be there. Typical case of "right place, wrong time". Normally, a dupe should drop if their foundations are deconstructed and have no option to move away... but no, limbo it was for her.

I tried building a ladder right under to see if she'd be saved. But no dice.

Then it hit me, her status was "in a transit tube" when it got deconstructed. So no way she'd drop.

She was rescued after I restored the transit tubes and built one right on top of her. She's happy now after transiting away.

So there you have it. If a dupe's stuck in limbo because of transit tubes then restore some back as a rescue measure. (It's worked twice for me, actually.)

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