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Storing Lead Suits

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This seems to happen for other kinds of clothing as well. I typically carry a couple extra atmo suits when I go trailblaze to new asteroids because it's easy to get there and discover that the suit they wore during launch only has 10% durability left. I set a bin to 400kg capacity (for 2 suits) but sometimes they just like to cram it full. Seems like a bug to me.

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1 hour ago, Simonova said:

As a point of curiosity, if you set the limit to 2kg, do they still keep stuffing the storage (I'm thinking, maybe the validation is checking the "friendly" item count display instead of the actual mass)?

HAHA it works! The Klei should probably change the description of the lead suit to say 1kg.

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7 minutes ago, Glassyfo said:

The Klei should probably change the description of the lead suit to say 1kg.

If I were to venture a guess, I'd say the mass on the lead suit is accurate, but the check in code that says "will this item fit?" is looking at the "friendly" unit used for display on mouseover (which is different for clothing and critter eggs, leading me to believe that you could also overstuff a storage bin with eggs, it's just way less likely to come up), rather than the actual mass of the item, resulting in the bug.

It's good to know that there's a way to work around the problem until Klei gets around to fixing it.

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