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Vacuum inside tile?

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Something had to have happened... usually when matter changes state in a tile and has nowhere to go. A reload should help get the tile back to normal.

I had once managed to get this to happen very often with a conveyor rail and some CO2 ice. If the offending tile gets two strikes it is then obliterated by the game.

I'd recommend finding the cause and preventing it from happening again, unless you plan on donating tungsten tile to the void.

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It does fix itself after load.
It did not repeat - and there are no conveyors through that tile - there are some next to it with hot metal but in solid form. It seems it bugged out when I deconstructed one tile of conveyor by accident but it was on diagonal from this tile and had plenty of space around.
Gotta be careful with conveyors inside tiles I guess :D
And tungsten was ok - that metal tile existed there along with the void.

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