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Script for Workshop Items on Steam


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 0.1 alpha. Just basic copy paste tool. This version will report only first 30 Workshop items as specific message in bbcode.


1. Edit and open link like this manually https://steamcommunity.com/id/<PROFILENAME>/myworkshopfiles/?appid=<GAMEID>&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&sortmethod=lastupdated&numperpage=30 or click links by hand (Workshop Items, Subscribed Items, Select a game, sort by Date Updated, set page size to 30)

2. Open Console tab (JS console) in your browser (like Chrome or Firefox)

3. Execute code below

var output = ""; document.querySelectorAll(".workshopItemSubscriptionDetails .workshopItemTitle").forEach(element => { output = output + "[*][url=" + element.parentNode.href + "]" + element.innerHTML + " (" + element.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll(":nth-child(4)")[0].innerHTML + ")[/url]\n" }); console.log("[spoiler]\n[list=1]\n" + output + "[/list]\n[/spoiler]\n");
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