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Mutant seeds - Filtering options

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Mutating seeds takes time and mutant seeds are pretty rare (well... less rare after the 80% drop chance change :-D but still..). I would like to have the option to not let them be consumed by accident either to make food (sleet wheat, nosh beans) or feed the fishes (any seed).

Sleet wheat made it more evident that mutant seeds need their own category. Sleet wheat it's a grain but also a seed... It needs to be stored in a fridge  not a storage bin (not anymore...) and is used in making different kinds of food but at the same time it could be a mutant seed that produces double grains per harvest. I don't think sleet wheat mutant seeds should be in the same category as food but there is no actual option to filter them :-(

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as mutant plants do not produce seeds, and you can always reduce the mutant seed production, it makes perfect sense to have a separate category for mutant seeds. So they cannot be unintentionally disposed (either through fish feeding or cooking).

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