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QOL Improvements For Console

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These are some QOL Improvements I would like to see be added for the Console, and for Pc as well if not already implemented. 


Main Menu additions

  • To be able to move worlds to different world slots in the Host Game screen.
  • To be able to make a copy of a world.


  • To be able hold the eat or heal button to continuously eating/healing the item in the slot while its in your inventory, just like you can with cooking.
  • For dropped items in close proximity of each other to be stacked. (If this is already a thing, it doesn't work in an ocuvigil's POV)

-This will hopefully improve game stability and improve lag issues, but most importantly it is really convenient for large item farms.

  • The ability to turn off and un-socket ocuvigils

-Sometimes I don't want to let new players that joined the world know where my base is, which is why I would like an option to turn it off.

-The option to un-socket is to be able to change the gem type and being able to have ocuvigils with different colors for different purposes.

  • Why cant you burn bunny puffs? Make them burnable.

Console Only

  • Add more trophies/achievements to the game with each major update.(Like "Kill Queen Bee" and "Reset the caverns")
  • Pull up Map while moving

-I know its not implemented because you move with the L&R Joysticks which are also for moving the map. But is it possible to move the map with PlayStation Touchpad, or to make it fair for all consoles using the arrow sticks to move the map while its open. And if people do not like it for some reason, make a setting to turn it back to normal.

  • Being able to see your health, hunger, and sanity points at all times.

-I would understand why this isn't a thing, but I think console you have this. The reason being is that pc can check their stats without much danger, while console players have to "open" the inventory to be able to see the points, which will inable us from running and doing anything else.


If you read this let me know what you think about it.


P.s: I don't know if some of these were already implemented or reasons why they are not.

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If I could add two more suggestions:

1. An item wheel for console so I dont have to do menu acrobatics to place items during battle. We have to stop moving and open the item menu, move the to the item you want to move and then move it to the spot you want it at. This can be done with r3 or l3, OR pressing and holding one of the back buttons or pressing two back buttons idk theres a lot of ways to do it.

2. A cursor! For gods sakes KLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI, Wortox, the lazy explorer, and the weatherpain are all broken on console.... please..... Again l3 or r3.  

Edit: There's a third one! Target lock-on is broken. When bosses do an animation it un-locks itself. This is truly problamatic against fuelweaver.

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I'll add my old requests too:

1. Walls and chester target priority set to very low. You literally cannot fight anything if there is a wall somewhere on your screen, your character will eventually target that wall. Target locking left on would fix that, but that brings a whole nother level to combat issues.

2. Telepoof/soul hop and all spell/staff casts rework to be able to have a bit more control over where you cast them. To be able to teleport form boat to boat would be nice too.

@deadjelly sorry for this but I badly don't want commands and creative mod to come to console, I really enjoy joining and appreciating random worlds and people creations, I have the game on pc and I stuck to console specifically for that reason, most private games are packed with creative builds and game-breaking mods, and I kept catching myself going into that slope too.

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